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Sam tightly grips the steering wheel of his car, blaring the music at potentially ear-drum shattering levels to try and drown out the words of his once closest friends. He'd never questioned how he'd chosen to introduce you to the world. Not once. 

He'd once told Bucky that there was no handbook on properly introducing someone into modern-day society. He had to introduce you to the most basic, fundamental aspects of life- music, film, everything that came with living in a city, there was no shortage of things that he had to show you. And he loved doing it, but now his friend's words and borderline accusations sat in his mind, all seeds of doubt planted and already taking root. 

Had he done the wrong thing keeping you off the Compound? He didn't think so, but he couldn't deny that part of the problem was that they didn't know you like Sam knew you. Part of the problem was that there wasn't any trust there, and how could there be when he'd kept you from them?

"So if we're all here, where'd you leave her?" Tony asks, majority of the team surrounding the conference table all watching Sam look uncharacteristically furious.

"With Bucky," Sam responds in a clipped tone.

"You trust her with Bucky and not us?" Tony retorts playfully. Or at least that was his intention, it's clear the second the words leave his mouth that Sam did not take it that way.

"I don't really think anyone in this room has any right to question who I do and do not trust her with."

"Sam, let's not pretend that was any less her fault than Tony and Steve's," Clint interjects.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that," Sam scoffs.

"I'm serious. If she can't handle being around other Avengers then maybe she shouldn't be here. She hurt somebody, that's on her."

"Seriously, Clint what's your problem?" Sam demands, a furious expression flashing on his face as he crosses his arms in anger and unbridled irritation.

"My problem is it's practically her second day here- hell, she's not even living here yet, and she hurt one of our own. She hurt Wanda! Why is everyone so okay with that?"

"Clint," Wanda warns.

"They both got hurt," Sam corrects. "Both of them- just like what happened is everyone's fault."

"Just a question, since when do we let Sam lecture us like this?" Tony interjects, doubling down on his sarcasm.

"Since you idiots messed up," Sam seethes. "Badly messed up. And she's not going to hold it against any of you, but I'm not going to let what happened slide that easily. I have half a mind to keep her as far away from this compound as possible."

"Look, we've all moved on. We've let it go," Tony sighs, rolling his eyes. "Why aren't you doing the same?"

"I don't think you guys understand the gravity of what happened the other day."

"Sam, don't you think you're blowing this a little out of proportion?" Steve asks. "We completely understand that we were out of line, but it happened and instead of dwelling on it, we should learn from it and move forward."

"Move forward? She got hurt, Wanda got hurt. Hell, we're lucky that we even found her- correction, we're lucky that Bucky found her."

"What about you, huh? Maybe if you'd introduced her to us, let her move onto the compound, and hadn't hidden her for almost a year, maybe she'd be able to control herself. Maybe she would know how to react in these situations."

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now