Bad Blood

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Without turning around, you see a shadow loom over your flowers. "Sam, I'm not done being mad yet."

When he doesn't say anything, you huff. "I mean it, Sam. I'm still upset-"

Then you feel a sharp jab in your neck. Your vision starts to blur as you turn around and see a vague unfamiliar silhouette.

"Hello?" you croak, your eyelids so heavy you're unable to open your eyes. "Sam? James?"

Your head lolls downward and your eyes open to see your arms tightly strapped down against a thick plastic chair. With your neck unable to support the weight of your head, your throat gets pressed against something metallic on your neck.

You hear footsteps approaching and in your peripheral you see a familiar face.

"Brock?" you groggily ask, starting to hyperventilate at the feeling of being restrained. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry, you're safe. I am sorry about all of this," he gently states, gesturing to the derelict room surrounding you. "I told them to be gentle with you, but we did have to take certain precautions."

"Precautions?" you rasp, finally able to lift your head. "You mean this thing on my neck?"

"It's fascinating, isn't it? One tiny little collar, taking it all away."

"I feel like these should be harder to find," you say, tilting your chin far back to look at the collar. "Can you just buy these from the store or something? They should probably be more careful with who gets one of these things."

"It was a parting gift from SHIELD," he cryptically remarks.

You narrow your eyes in suspicion, though you still feel the effects of the sedation, but still feeling more alert. "Was that sarcasm? It sounded like sarcasm."

"It doesn't matter where I got the collar," he hisses, trying to maintain his patient facade. "I just need your attention."

"Oh, well you could have just said that," you groan, blinking your eyes as you try to shake off the fogginess. "I used to see you at the compound all the time."

"I needed you without your little bodyguard."

"Does James scare you? I've heard other people say he's very intimidating. I don't see it though," you admit.

"I'm not scared of Barnes. He should be scared of me," he grunts, exhaling deeply and shaking his head to focus on the subject at hand. "I wanted to ask you to join me."

"To join you? Where are you going?" you ask, your foggy brain not following Rumlow's words.

He ignores your question, continuing on his tangent, "You've always been kind to me. The only Avenger who didn't think they were better than everyone else. It says a lot considering you're the strongest one."

"You think so?"

"I know it. If only they didn't resent you for it- If only they weren't scared of you, you could be so much more. That's why I need you on my team, together we could accomplish so much."

"Your team? Like for a mission?"

"No. This is a new team. A different kind of team."

"What about Sam? And James?"

"No," he grits, tightly clenching his fists in frustration. "This would just be you. Think about it, we'd be unstoppable."

"I don't want to be unstoppable," you exhale.

"You only think that because they told you to think that. Can you imagine if Sam didn't hold you back? You could rid the world of evil- all by yourself. Without Sam or Bucky getting in your way, you could have it all."

Two Sides of The Same Coin: Grumpy x SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now