10; "I met him..."

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My spoon dropped to the floor and my brother dropped his dance bag. "The young skating couple was spotted in town yesterday dancing in the rain and hugging each other. The information of the new couple of the two skaters Park Sunghoon and Park Byeol is heard today. Dispatch published its information this morning. Is this the return of Byeol in the world of skating? His new teammate would be Sunghoon? Will the power couple make a comeback? It's all to come!" I rushed to sunghoon's house, when a wave of reporters called out to me. "Miss Park, is the announcement of your relationship true?" "Are you really dating the world star Park Sunghoon?" "Are you returning to the championships?" "Is this a comeback of the skating queen?" And more. My breathing quickened, I was choking. They reminded me of the day when the paparazzi harassed me about Jungwon's death. Take me out of this ordeal. "GET OUT" His voice stopped all the reporters. Sunghoon walked towards me. "I'll answer your questions so you can stop making her feel uncomfortable! No, this couple information is fake news, we are just teammates now. The pictures taken yesterday just show a laugh we had, it's wrong to hijack a story just because of a picture. Also, do I have to remind you what happens when a photo is taken without people knowing. I think you already know about the retaliation, so if I were you I would take down that photo before a lawsuit comes down on you. End of questions." The reporters couldn't believe it and so could I. "Come on Byeol, we have to go train." We were walking towards the university, actually today was our day off so no training was planned, but I knew very well that it was a diversion, even if this was just the beginning of a hell. No discussion took place between the two of us, just the sound of the birds was heard. The cherry blossoms illustrated the landscape, and harmonized with the song of the birds. When I arrived at the university, I told Sunghoon who I had to go to the bathroom. It was the first time since my arrival that I really explored the premises. There were all kinds of athletes, swimmers, gymnasts, runners and many others. Groups of friends had formed and many had mingled. I was a little sad and melancholic at the sight of it all. The rink is far from the main center and with the crazy training I have, I don't have the chance to take other classes or make friends, plus with my fame, it's even more impossible for me to walk around without being interrupted or disturbed. I notice that in my life I only had Jungwon and no one else compared to him who had a lot of friends. It never bothered me, but now I'm starting to regret it. I notice that I devoted my youth to skating and never had the chance to make friends in school and high school, to have phony arguments and to experience a youthful love. On my campus there are very few people who have never had a relationship with someone and yet I am one of them. I've never had a real fuck, and I've never fallen in love. Too bad... Once in the bathroom, voices called out to me. "Is it true that Sunghoon is here today? Wasn't it supposed to be his day off?" "Yes, I thought it was too, but the gymnasts saw him on their way to the gym." His groupies again. They make me laugh, I'd like to see sunghoon's face when he finds out that so many people know his schedule. "Do you think the rumor is true?" "I hope not. She was better off with Jungwon seriously, but since he's no longer alive she decided to take his cousin, I guess she wants to screw the whole family." "Really. Just because madam is his partner she thinks she can do anything but wait and see when I show her who Sunghoon belongs to. Jungwon wasn't enough for her?" "BAM!" My toilet door slammed against the toilet wall. When they saw me, their eyes showed fear. I smiled at them and said firmly. "Don't believe everything you see on TV. I then approached the young fake redhead who had just insulted me and whispered in her ear "I'm waiting for you to show me. But for the moment I do not have the impression that sunghoon by me and even less to you. He should already know about you and then you can come and prove it to me!" Another fake smile appeared on my face, so much so that they displayed fear and anger. I walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the rink. Some people stared at me, others were shocked to see me after four years at the university. When I got to the rink, an uncountable number of groupies were in front of the gym lining up to see sunghoon skate. I tried in vain to enter and succeeded after 5 minutes of fighting. He was skating quietly under the loving eyes of his fans. All of them had a drink in their hand and tried to give it to him when he took a break. Normally, our coach blocks the access, but since he's not here, today is their only lucky day. "Byeol!" All of them turned in my direction with a killer look on their faces, after he had the audacity to call out to me with a smile.As I stepped onto the ice I could hear the girls' criticisms of me in low voices, creating a thud. I was drunk, paparazzi in the morning, groupies in the afternoon, what will my fandom be tonight? I walked out of the rink, picked up my stuff and walked away still whispering. Why am I the only one who gets it in the head. I thought that Sunghoon would be drunk too but he seems to be quite happy about it, already 4 months that we know each other and unfortunately I don't know him that well after all. On my way home, I felt like a presence, a disturbing aura was following me. I tried not to get upset when suddenly a noise behind me called out to me, no one was there. My heart was racing and suddenly an arm grabbed my wrist. I was afraid, but finally it was only... " Are you crazy, Sunghoon! Why are you so scared?" "Huh?" "You didn't have to follow me for several minutes, you know!" "I wasn't following you at all! I was on the other side of the park when I saw you, so I ran towards you. Why would I follow you?" Bizzare..." I-For nothing tkt..." "Come on, I'll take you to the restaurant tonight!" After that a long and painful story was created.

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