15; "He became my Prince..."

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Third eyesIt was the big day, all the participants were under stress. But this was not the case for Byeol. She was dreading the moment, it was not a fight against the others that she started, but a fight against the devil himself. This fight was expected by all, "The two former lovers in full competition."


One by one, the athletes passed by and their scores were displayed. I wasn't paying much attention at the moment, just watching the performances of old friends of mine, but nothing more. Until it was his time. My headphones fell out of my ears as I did so. My eyes were riveted on the arena. His posture was already incredible, you could tell just by looking at it that he wasn't playing in the same league as the others. He was born for this. Sir Chloe's "Michelle" started. Her movements, her jumps, all were coordinated, it was impossible to look away. We could feel the pain of the words, through his gestures. He is the melody, he is that pain, and today he comes out of the shadows, to ravage the field. I'm done, that's what I kept telling myself in my mind. I am finished. Her ending position, marked the beginning of a wave of applause. Cuddly toys, roses, and gifts were thrown at her. I could hear the other athletes exclaiming about his performance. He was the first to receive such a wave of applause. When his score was displayed, it was no surprise that he got the maximum number of points. Nothing is over, the first round is less decisive than the second. All is not lost. As he left the arena, his eyes met mine. He knew he was stronger, and he laughed at me. It was my turn, and I tried in vain to reject all the stress. Sunghoon'sByeol entered the arena, but something went wrong. Stress is what she gave off, she was scared and you could feel it. She had never been stressed even the first time she participated in the Olympic Games. It was because of him, he had just set the arena on fire, she understood that her chances were low. Normally she would not have given up and would have done the best she could, but Riki is her weak point. I understood this after our discussion. Even if she seems cold and mean at first sight, she is a golden girl inside and she blames herself, she tortures herself with this story. Merry-Go-Round-Life started to play. Her movements and jumps are less graceful and clear than usual. She is not in tune with the melody as she usually is. She missed most of her jumps. I saw my coach's broken face when he saw her catastrophic performance. "Sunghoon, you better catch this shit! She finished her performance. People were in shock. They were known for their golden performances and she had just done one worthy of the first years. The audience applauded timidly, some judged her, others were confused. She went out head down, left her skates and left without even looking at her score, which was just shy of 100. Riki had a smirk on his face, and he left right behind. I wanted to catch up but it was my turn. Byeol's I wasn't crying, I was angry. Disappointed that I had let myself get carried away. I had disappointed everyone, and I was paying the consequences. It was Sunghoon's turn to pass. He was perfect and deserved his nickname. All his fans were cheering for him and the audience was shocked at his progress. His score was going to be similar to Niki's, and I was going to be blamed for being less good. He was living the music, and that performance on Given-Taken, my brother's band, was fabulous. One of my best that he accomplished. His beauty made it even more incredible. He reminded me of Jungwon, they are the same. Suddenly a hand grabbed me. I was pulled into a room, and there he was. Always that same look. He was going to criticize me, I know it. "You finally understand my words from 8 years ago. We could have been amazing together, but once again you made the wrong choice. Your prince charming is saving you, princess, but will he do it forever. Wonnie would be disappointed when he saw you, he'd tell you it wasn't you, that you do better than that, and you'd blame yourself for being more than just lame. I mean, I know you're doing it. "I let everyone down..." "I'm going to have to pay the consequences." That's what you keep telling yourself. That's what it's like not to compete after so many years. You thought that the others were going to remain in nothing, that you would always be there queen, but watch out the human is smart, he knows what to do to sink you. So much that you were crying on his grave, I was making him proud. So you have a gift for disappointing people. Don't forget princess, the wheel turns, people evolve, don't think you are so superior." He left laughing. A bastard, that's what he had become, and all because of me... I created a monster now I had to pay for it. At the same time, my coach appeared. "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! What was that! Be careful Byeol, just because you won once doesn't mean you'll always win. People grow and evolve too! YOU BETTER GET BACK ON YOUR FEET RIGHT AWAY! You make me regret giving up Riki for you! You make me ashamed! Jungwon would be disappointed too when he sees this!""SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" My coach was shocked. "Who do you think you are?!" "Stop talking about him like you know him. Jungwon would never say that to me, he would still pull me up. He would have supported me and made me laugh to cheer me up. He wouldn't have been disappointed, because he's not bad like you are! So stop talking about him like that, sullying his image! You think you're good at making me feel guilty? You want me to succeed, fine I'll make it to the top 1, but it will never be for you, I'm doing it for others. And then I'll come to you, and I'll humiliate you like you've been doing for 19 years. 19 YEARS I'VE WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR YOU, 19 YEARS I'VE LISTENED TO YOU BELITTLE ME, 19 YEARS I'VE DONE EVERYTHING YOU'VE TOLD ME, 19 YEARS I'VE CARRIED OUR GROUP, 19 YEARS I'VE SUPERVISED EVERYTHING, 19 YEARS I'VE PLAYED THE IDOL, 19 YEARS I'VE CREATED YOUR REPUTATION, 19 YEARS I'VE MADE YOU A COACH KNOWN FOR HIS OLYMPIC PLAYERS, 19 YEARS I'VE MADE YOU PROUD, 19 YEARS I'VE SUFFERED EVERYTHING YOU'VE TOLD ME. But from now on it's over, I do it for others, for myself, but not for you. That's being greedy, Papi." "Little-"I didn't even give him time to finish, as I headed for the locker room to change for the second part. I'm going to get my act together, for Jungwon, for my family, for my fans, for the audience, for my years of completion, for Sunghoon, and...for Niki!On my way, I bumped into Sunghoon. He took me in his arms and whispered. "I heard you and Mr. Nim. Don't listen to him Byeol, you're amazing in your own way, and you don't embarrass anyone! Jungwon would never be disappointed in you, I know that. You're even more amazing than that Niki guy, than everyone else here. You got carried away by your feelings, but now show them that they are your strength. It's okay to fail, Byeol. But the most important thing is to always get back on track. You keep telling me that I am the melody every time I skate, but you are the sport itself. You are above us, but you don't realize it. You can destroy us in no time. So, for that second one, show them what you can do, show them who you really are. Shut their mouths to the critics, and crush Riki. Live the music, think of Jungwon, because then he will be with you, he will be there through the music." Without waiting for my answer, his lips touched mine and we went into a languid kiss. "A voice interrupted us in our salivary exchange. "I didn't think you were that way Byeol! Two boys were laughing with me. Sunghoon was in a state of incomprehension. "Sunghoon I want you to meet, mister I'm disgusted with everything, Shim Jake." "Nice to meet you man, I see you've managed to conquer the heart of Mrs. Stoneheart." That insufferable guy! "And on the other hand I'd like to introduce you, mister I didn't mean it that way, Lee-" "I already know him don't worry! I'll remind you that I know him too!" They started to laugh. Sunghoon spoke with Hesseung and I with Jake."BYEOLLLLLLL-NOONA!"Sunghoon stared at the girl who appeared in my arms. "Sunghoon I want you to meet my little protégé, Ryunjin." "Wow Noona, you're lucky to have such a hot boyfriend. It's okay, I'll stick to the other Akuma!" Heeseung tried to kill Ryunjin. I had to get ready and so did Sunghoon, so we left the circus. "Why was Heeseung so upset?" I looked at Sunghoon in amazement. "He's your buddy normally. You should know that he's been with Ryunjin for...8 years now." "PLEASE?! Why don't I know anything..." His face was full of sorrow, so much so that I comforted him, all in a humorous way. That alone made me forget my problems..

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