Part 7

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A/N: This is the next chapter in this story and I have made a schedule to release a new chapter of this story that will be about 1-2 chapters a week.

Third person POV

Currently one can see a Kuro observing a building currently being built by builders and being told by soldiers guarding the surroundings.

What he looking at is a are the houses for people to live that are gradually growing up.

Along with that is a large beautiful beach with a lot of potential under the sea and new trade routes waiting to be discovered.

"My lord, how do you feel about this result"

Kuro then looked and realized that the familiar man was who.

"Shigeru It's just the right time to see you here" Kuro said as he looked at the demi-human.

He was one of the people Kuro assigned to start building a new city outside of Kyoto with the aim of expanding its territory to the sea by following the river towards the sea

"You seem to be doing a great job at the job you've been assigned" Kuro commended said.

Shigeru bowed respectfully and thanked Kuro for the compliment.

"Thank Your Majesty for your words, I will appreciate it" He said in a cheerful tone at the Kuro compliment.

Meanwhile Kuro didn't say anything to Shigeru but he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Right now it's the end of the first month so establishing a settlement will be of great help in case Kyoto falls" Kuro mused as he started thinking about the next scenarios that could happen.

His construction of a new town duengj also added to the importance that if Kyoto were to fall to the enemy.

Then this settlement would become a second base for defense as well as counterattack.

But if you want to be like that, you still need to improve in many more things from buildings, size, army and even the population.

"I'm sure there's still a lot of work I need to do now hahaha..." Kuro said while smiling blandly in his mind.

Even with the help of his system that summons many useful, useless and sometimes absurd things but after that Kuro still the one to manage.

"Your Majesty, your expression doesn't look very good, is there something bothering you?" Shigeru asked when Kuro's expression wasn't very good.

"Oh Shigeru, I'm fine just thinking about it" Kuro said as he gave a reassuring smile to Shigeru.

"Hai! If you say so" Shigeru noia without asking any more questions.

His king seems to be quite stressed these days, there are even days when his king stays up late at work so it makes everyone worry about their king/lord/tsar.

When he was overworked and there were people who were worried about his health and went to remind Kuro not even Suvorov can tell Kuro to rest.

And what Kuro said was just "Don't worry about me it'll be fine" and that made everyone not protest at all.

When Kuro is was the one who summoned them and his orders were to be respected and carried out immediately.

"Oh and were Shigeru, Yoshimi and Yamada go?" Kuro suddenly asked as he remembered that he had assigned the mission to them.

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