Im So Tired

77 3 5

I'm a lover not a fighter
But I'll light this place
On fire

Don't go to far
Or you'll get tangled up in
Don't go to

• • •

" I'm just.. so tired "

" so so tired "

" pretty sure the sun is gonna kill me before you do "

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" pretty sure the sun is gonna kill me before you do "

The Tainted  Doctor 
Elijah Moore
- a sleep deprived Med student , who survives on granola bars and the occasional snickers' minis he steals from his lab partner .
- He's Albino , and because of this, he needs to wear long sleeves and constant sunscreen to protect himself from the sun .
- style : pretty much anything he was able to dig up from the side of his bed . He likes turtlenecks , layers  and jackets , strappy pants and the occasional chain to ad some ' pizzaz' . He also loves rings and wears them often
- basic appearance ^see above ^ he's 5'11, with a mildly fit lean figure . He doesn't go to the gym, but he does workout at home on occasion to keep himself in shape . His skin and hair are totally with out pigment - and his eyes are a very very pale lavender . His lashes and eyebrows are white as well, (absolute miracle that they even show up on his face )
- he joined the swim team on a dare in highschool which is were the majority of his muscle tone comes from. He likes to bust out with all the fancy dives at pool parties and convince all the drunk people they hallucinated it
- has a caffeine addiction and is repulsed by strawberries .
- hasn't slept a straight 8 hours in months . Gets maybe 4 hours every few days between insomnia and all his classes and exams
- he wants to be a doctor because he genuinely wants to help people . He wants to be an orthopedic surgeon specifically.
- he has like 2 part time jobs so he can get food and live somewhat normally in his little tiny apartment off campus .
- he's kinda a ' Jack of all trades ' kinda person but in super bullcrap things . Like he can always flip a bottle and have it land upright , whatever he throws will end up in the trash - can, he's a fricken sniper with a hair tie , etc .
- more often then not if you snow up unannounced ,  you will find him sitting on the floor eating Raman out of a pan watching anime in old Christmas pajama pants
- he's the kind of person to help you search for your box of cereal that he ate 2 hours earlier .
Basic personality
- Eli is very chill and laid back- super nonchalant and hard to phase. There isn't anything he hasn't seen- and thus it is very hard to actually take him by surprise
- he has a dry sarcastic sense of humor , and is someone who everyone else finds funny. He just exists and people seem to find the way he lives life and makes comments about situations amusing . He doesn't get it
- he's actually very adoring - he deeply cares about those who get close to him he just doesn't know how to show it and it comes out in him being probably the most dependable person you will know . If you need him, he's there asking no questions . He will listen and not judge and do his best to either comfort or cheer you up , he's very much the ' best friend ' type . Need someone to do face masks with ? He's down he doesn't care . Wanna watch some dumb movie and see how many tiny rubber bands you can put in his hair ? Go for it . Wanna galavant across the city and be a menace ? He's right behind ya .
Age : 
he's 22

Extra information :
He's lactose intolerant and he has a sweet tooth which is an issue that he chooses to ignore . He chooses his own consequences
- his motto for life is
" eh, future me can deal with that "
- He has a nose ring - Typically a thin silver hoop
- he gets really bad sunburns if he isn't protected so he's always in long sleeves (sometimes he Carries around an umbrella)
- his canines are naturally a little pointed . His cousin was convinced he was a vampire and he went along with it
- he's a beast at card games and he makes people cry at monopoly
- yes he's seen promised never land . Don't compare him to Norman . He will fight you
- if you annoy him he will subtly drop
Spoilers to your favorite show
- he's petty , and will go out of his way to do little things to mess with someone .Like , small things . He will take the last one of your favorite flavored popsicle (even if he doesn't like it ) just so you don't get it .
He likes indie music and chill vibes .
- his apartment doesn't have a couch he has an absolutely massive beanbag . He also has a table on the floor sorta like a randomly fancy Japanese table . It's the only expensive thing he owns and he treasures it . His bed is on the floor too . He doesn't have much money XDD. Very small decorations - super random ones scattered everywhere . Plastic dinosaurs that he found , random pictures of his friends , maybe a sad dehydrated plant on his windowsill that's begging for death, etc .
- he has a cat. He didn't want a cat. The thing showed up one day - it's old - it smells and it's mean as hell but it stays so he's just accepted it . Calls it ' his roommate ' and he named the cat ' Steve ' so he can use him to get out of social situations .
' sorry can't go to * insert thing * my roommate Steve is sick and I gotta take care of him '.
The litter box is outside the cat comes and goes .
- he typically smells like lavender and a small hint of the cologne he's been trying to preserve .

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