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Dearest  dreamer 
With your pretty voice 
Sing the tales of your heart
Though The ears of the world
May be shut to them
the stars hang on every word

Stellar Embraces

Seraphi Vittoria Drakou

First name :
Middle name -
Last name
Nicknames :
Seraph' , Ser' Sera', Raphi,
Little dragon, dreamer , little dreamer , doc , doctor Drakou
Age : 28-30
Gender : Female
Profession :
Previous :
Army Doctor
Combat Medic for the Army , head charge nurse for a localized M.A.S.H unit . Did several tours at various hospitals as well( see above )
Current ;
Astrophysics with subspecialties in 
High energy occurrences , stellar physics , and exoplanetary science

Appearance :
Seraphi is a tall gracefully built woman , with bronze skin , night black wavy hair , and extremly pale green eyes . She is a complete hybrid of her Greek-Italian features - sporting the angled nose , feline like cheekbones , light eyes and intense facial structure provided by her Greek father  - with the skin color , build , accent and  curls provided by her Italian mother .
Shes quite beautiful , a handful of freckles scattered only on her nose , long thick lashes and eyes uptilted . Her lips are full,  and as a perfect little imperfection - she has a set of dimples and a nose that crinkles when she laughs .

Personality :
Seraphi is a very well rounded woman- with a good blend of soft and strong qualities .
At the surface - she's mature and professional . Kind , considerate - very very classy . Overall welcoming to be around .
When you dig a little deeper you will see how deep her compassion runs . Even if she doesn't know who you are there isn't anything she won't do for you . She has a huge heart that only wishes to help people . This ties in to her extreme sense of justice - right from wrong. She does not tolerate good getting shut down and evil being praised . She's the kind of person to stand up for those weaker then her and challenge you even if she's smaller then you.
She also has a VERY strong moral code . She will not kill she will not lie she keeps her culture and her beliefs tucked to her chest- you can't move her on her morals .
Onto her stronger qualities - just because she can be very kind and warm - she also does not take crap. She's very strong emotionally , confident in her choices and thus - does not let herself get pushed around . If she believes in something- she'll vocalize it . she may not be a pushy woman- she can correct you with class - but do not think she'll bite her tongue . She's also quite brazen and fearless when it comes to her profession. It's hard to scare her - between her military career and what she will see in the future - she isn't someone that cowers when afraid . While she may not be a fighter - she's someone that believes in intelligence and competence to get out of most situations .
However - she does tend to lean more towards the pull of her emotions - leading her to be rather impulsive . Shes gotten herself hurt before rushing in too fast to help someone . Shes also quick to trust and quick to open up- however if you wound her and break her trust- it's very hard for her to forgive you so it's a double edged sword . She will become your best friend in an hour - however if you break her trust she will cut you out of her life just as quick .

Strengths : tba

Weaknesses / tba ( lmao sorry)

Trivia !!:

- Her and her dad would go rock climbing a lot when she was little
- she's an extremely good cook
- she got into medicine because on one of the climbs with her dad - he broke his leg- and she watched a retired army doctor who happened to be on the hike with them use surrounding appliances to splint and ultimately keep her dad from a clot . It / fascinated / her .  She also loved watching shows like house and MASH growing up
- she's multi lingual - and can speak fluent Greek, Italian and English . She also knows some Spanish but only enough to prepare you for a shot .
- her last name means dragon- so she has a little ring that she wears with a tiny dragon on the underside of it . Her father called her little dragon as a kid .
- she has a great relationship with her parents - however they are currently in Italy. Her father was the beautiful Greek exchange student that everyone wanted and her mother was the intense Italian woman that swooped him off his feet. She loves listening to their love story
- as the eldest of four and the only girl - not only did she get tough quick- but she became great at very fast problem solving. She also matured very fast- but she doesn't resent it . She spent most of her childhood in Greece - which felt like paradise .
- she's always had a soft spot for the stars . The very first thing she ever bought  with her allowance was a telescope and every night she'd take it out with her brothers. She also watched a lot of documentaries and visited planetariums often . This was hilariously helpful in her military career because she could use the stars to navigate .
- she sings / hums when she's lost in thought . She also sometimes diverts into Italian .
While she spent a lot  of her life in Greece- her accent and her most reached for language other then English is Italian because of her mother - who had the largest hand in her learning to talk. This has left her with a pleasant - but hard to place accent because both places she's lived in imprinted themselves on her tongue
- she can pilot helicopters and has a basic idea on how they work . She was one of the few who - outside of her basic training - went out  of her way to get certified in flying medivac crafts . 
- she's seen a lot of really ugly things in her life - and tries to not show it - but every once and a while certain things trigger old wounds . While she loved her military career it isn't without its scars .. often times she has nightmares about it but keeps it to herself .
- there was a strange experience she had when she first started out - a series of recurring injuries that plagued a town in Russia - .... It was an unexplained event that never occurred again ...

- she got into the space program because the military paid for her schooling and she said' why not go after my other passion. The incident in Russia  is always in the back of her mind - but she keeps it to herself

- she falls in love fairly easy but talks herself out of it . Very duty before the heart . She forms close bonds easily too- being quick to emotionally surrender and open up to those she trusts .

- she can throw her shoe at you and never miss

- she has abit of a temper . While she can keep her cool most of the time - when you set her off there is no winning. She's very loud and takes after her mom in arguments

If I think of more I'll lyk XD

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