Secret Ending

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Meanwhile on the route where the T-4000 was destroyed construction workers were cleaning up the mess 

Radios were all playing the update on the Connors saving the world one of the trucks had something pulling it down like it was being magnetized 

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Radios were all playing the update on the Connors saving the world one of the trucks had something pulling it down like it was being magnetized 

They thought it was stuck at first till they stumbled on something pulling it with resistance 

Worker: We hit something! Let's dig it out!

They workers started digging by shovels and they stumbled upon.......

.....the remains.....

.....of the T-4000

Worker # 2: What the hell is that? Worker # 1: Looks like one of those things from Cyberdine or what's left of it

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Worker # 2: What the hell is that? 

Worker # 1: Looks like one of those things from Cyberdine or what's left of it. 

Worker # 2: So what'd we do with it?

As they chatted with the dead T-4000 they were unaware a man was standing on the hill above them and dialed on his phone

As they chatted with the dead T-4000 they were unaware a man was standing on the hill above them and dialed on his phone

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Man: Ms. Dyson we found it.

~Cuts Out~

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