Target Acquired

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That evening back at John and Sarah's apartment 

Carlos just had dinner with them and he just walked out of the door 

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Carlos just had dinner with them and he just walked out of the door 

John: Thanks for coming Carlos. See ya tomorrow.

John closed the door and sat on on the couch grabbing the remote and turning on the tv

Which showed the news of the truck driver's murder which made John a little curious especially hearing about his neck being snapped

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Which showed the news of the truck driver's murder which made John a little curious especially hearing about his neck being snapped

But soon as Sarah walked in 

John changed it at an instant 

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John changed it at an instant 

Sarah: What were you watching John? 

John: Oh nothing interesting. 

Sarah: Your friend Carlos was nice all though I have to say you weren't kidding of his love for skateboards.

John: I know he was stern crazy. But he's been in the Tony Hawk fan club since kindergarten. 

Sarah: Well I just hope you're not entering that skateboarding contest he mentioned. 

John: It never crossed my mine. I'm still a bike guy. 

Sarah: Which scares me more. Especially that moped you drive around. 

John: Didn't you had one too?

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