Kate learns about the Future

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At the other stolen vehicle the Terminator and Kate were out on the open road the Terminator scanned everything it seed to enhance it's computer vision

At the other stolen vehicle the Terminator and Kate were out on the open road the Terminator scanned everything it seed to enhance it's computer vision

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 as she was shaken up from what accrued just now and looked at her machine savior in confusion remember him being shot not to long ago and he's still active 

Kate: Who.....who....are you? 

Terminator: I am a Terminator from the year 2099. Cyberdyne's systems model: 101. Reprogramed by the human resistance sent back to protect you. 

Kate: Cyberdyne.....that's where my dad works. And what do you mean model and the year 2099? Are you saying.....you're from the future? 

Terminator: Affirmative. 

Kate at first had a hard time believing this at first till she noticed the bullet holes on his jacket and shirt and looked at him with a surprised expression

It's never possible for someone to get up from many gunshots at an instant and he just did especially seeing the T-4000 doing the same things and magnetizing things to his hands the cars even the Terminator himself Kate couldn't believe it but she...

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It's never possible for someone to get up from many gunshots at an instant and he just did especially seeing the T-4000 doing the same things and magnetizing things to his hands the cars even the Terminator himself Kate couldn't believe it but she was convinced

Kate: O.....k.....uh....say.....I believe you. What exactly is this future you came from? 

 What exactly is this future you came from? 

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