"They're back!"

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Later that hour Sarah across from the lot when police ambulance and reporters were outside of the mall she looked for John through binoculars but nothing turn up till.....

....her binoculars were pulled out of her hands and she looked up seeing them being magnetized by the T-4000

her binoculars were pulled out of her hands and she looked up seeing them being magnetized by the T-4000

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Sarah pulled out a gun and aimed 

But the machine magnetized that it in it's hands too and kicked Sarah down dropping the binoculars and grabbed her by the neck and lifting her in the air 

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But the machine magnetized that it in it's hands too and kicked Sarah down dropping the binoculars and grabbed her by the neck and lifting her in the air 

T-4000: Sarah Connor? 


The T-4000 didn't reply staring in her angry and worried eyes till.....Sarah's cell rang and it looked down to it

Sarah: No....

The assassinating machine slams Sarah down knocking her out cold took the phone and answering it imitating Sarah's voice

T-4000: John? 


On John's side he was outside the car the Terminator and Kate were in

John: Where are you?

Where are you?

John: I'm alright but....mom listen....they're back. The machines. Skynet. It's all happening again. And one of them got Carlos. 

On the T-4000 and Sarah's side

T-4000: Go home. I'll meet you there.


T-4000: I love you John. Stay there till I get there. 

The T-4000 hung up on him and carried Sarah away 

On John's side he looked at the Terminator in the driver's seat. 

John: We need to go to my apartment. 

Terminator: Negative. The T-4000 will try and require you there.

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