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On the road

Kate and John rode onward as he kept looking back where they just left The Terminator and Sarah behind to that thing and god knew what happened to the Dysons to him

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Kate and John rode onward as he kept looking back where they just left The Terminator and Sarah behind to that thing and god knew what happened to the Dysons to him

John: Oh god. Mom! What have I done? 

Kate: John. 

John: I just left her back there! We have to turn back! I have to go help her! 

Kate: John I understand how you feel. But she needs you safe from that thing. Your mom is a strong person. For all we know she and the Terminator could have gotten away by now.

John: We don't know that! That thing is a titan! I won't leave her to that robotic animal! Turn around! 

Kate: John listen to me! If we go back we'd only be getting all of us killed. The only way we can help your mom now is if we find my dad warn him of the future and everything and get him to shut it all down. 

John: Without the Terminator he might not believe us. 

Kate: Then we'll have to try to use any logic we can. I promise we'll find her. 

John only slightly nodded and Kate tried calming him down by.....

.......holding his hand

 John looked at her for a moment till soon he found himself holding hers and after more time passed the front tires suddenly blown FLAT from a large thick branch in the middle of the road John and Kate were startled and from the thump of the boom ...

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 John looked at her for a moment till soon he found himself holding hers and after more time passed the front tires suddenly blown FLAT from a large thick branch in the middle of the road John and Kate were startled and from the thump of the boom and soon the car came to a complete STOP

John: Shit.....

Kate: What's going on? 

John: Maybe we ran out of gas. 

Kate: No the fuel's are full. We must have broken down. 

John got out and soon saw the tires were flat

John: Goddammit. The tires are flat. Guess Danny forgot to mention this car needed new ones soon. Kate you got a phone or something?

Kate: I did before that thing jumped me and killed Trish but I haven't had on me since. 

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