Howard's secret

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That very morning on the road John was tired being up all night keeping watch

That very morning on the road John was tired being up all night keeping watch

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As Kate slept on his shoulder but soon enough she yawned and woke up 

As Kate slept on his shoulder but soon enough she yawned and woke up 

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Kate: Oh....goodness.....

John: Morning. 

Kate: Morning. What time is it? 

John: Almost 8. Nothing came our.....*Yawns* way.....

Kate: Why don't you rest then? I'll take the next watch. 

John: I'm.....*Yawns again* alright. 

Kate: There's no need to be a tough guy. You need to rest to. I'll wake you if anything happens. 

John: That's the first time anyone's told me I didn't need to be tough. 

Kate giggles and just soon as John lied back Kate happen to notice a car phone in the compartment 

Kate: Oh my god....John! 

He sat up and looked where Kate was pointing down to and he saw the phone too

John: A phone! Yes! *Takes it* Thank you Danny. 

John soon started dialing and called for a tow

John: Hello this is John Reese. My friend and I just hit a flat tire we need a tow here please. What? Oh....what road are we on? 

Kate: Um.....looks like we're on........road 30 avenue. 

John: Road 30 avenue. It's a 1984's mustang. 12 minutes? Thank you sir. You have a nice day. 

John hung up the phone

John: They'll said they'll be here in 12 minutes. 

Kate: Well till then you get some rest. I'll take next watch. 

John: I'm telling ya I'm---

Kate: And I told you there's no need to be tough. I promise I'll let you know if any comes. 

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