Chapter 1: Look Beneath the Coin (Rewrite)

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What is Order?

A command that was given to someone?

A direct call for others to obey?

By force or not?

No... Rather it is a direct opposite.

Order, or as the world known them, is a hidden organization, that is like the Mage Association, but more focus on killing rather than creating. Founded in the era after the fall of the Mesopotamia King Gilgamesh. By a group of merchant, located on a land formerly known as Babylonia, a once organization that was formed for only merchant to use.

Had evolved throughout time, because of the era keep on progressing, so was the people that inhabit the organization. Formerly known as a merchant organization, had now, turned into an international hidden organization, that can even rival the Mage Association. In term of wealth, and conection, but when it came to Magecraft, those from the Mage Association, are far superior then them, but when it came to killing in any sort of method, the Order are superior.

Both the Order, and Mage Association, are a direct opposite between each other, as Mage Association, was founded by a group of Mages. Who saw, that bloodlines, and family history matter most than anything, which proof the capabilites of the Mages. The Order, are the opposite, as they value the skillset on a single person more, rather than the entire bloodlines and family.

Even though, there are some problems that deal with the history of families in the Order, that are mostly restricted to only a limited sum around the world. The Order, was founded by a currency that surpass even money, that currency is none other than 'Trust'. Under the world of Assassins, trust is everything, and worth even more than money, as information is key to every paths.

Because of such thing, the Order have created their own currency, under the form of a single Gold Coin. A priceless yet useless coin, that the real value cannot be determine, what truly make the Gold Coin valuable. Is the trust that is been put into it, if an Assassin were to form a close bond with one another, then that trust can be use as a currency of life. As coin is the currency of both life, and death.

So for a massive organization, there are bound to be the head, which is true. As their influence grew even wider, as the Ages of Gods was left, which soon arrived at the Ages of Faires, where there are still some mystery left in the world. The era, where the organization, got even bigger than before, from the progress of Rome, where most of the merchant from the center of Asia. Decide to expand their influence, thus leading to the creation, for both side of the Order.

The West Side, rule under the banner of Europe, where the mystery is still potent even in the Ages of Man, with the head of the Order. Being refer to, as the "Old Man", a position that is far higher than any other position in the Order. They are the one who rule the organization from the shadow, directly decesend from the name "The Old Man from the Mountain". As they are the first Assassin group, that have been recorded in history, and even till this day, that name still live on.

Beneath the "Old Man", stand the second highest position, the High Table. A class that rule over a specific sector around the Order, there are only 10 members of such rank, as it is a very special rank. That can only be filled through a specific condition, the High Table, are directly tie, and must answer what ever the "Old Man" order them to do. No matter, how impossible the task, they must accomplish it, for the sake of their own pride, and honor.

The Order is rule by the system of aristocratic, where reputation mean more, than a bloodlines. There had been countless time, where an Assassin from the order, went out on their own, to kill an impossible target. Just for the sake of glory, and money, beside that, there is also another important system that had been implemented since the Ages of Gods, the age where the organization were created.

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