Chapter 3: Remember thy Name (Rewrite)

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The only thing that sorround a once lively house, have now turn into a debris of fire, there were no sign of lives to be found. A fire, that once again spread it havoc around the city of Fuyuki, no one knew, who cause such a great fire. A fire, that burn thtough anything to touch, leaving only cinder of what remain a once life of a human.

On the middle of the great fire, a single small shadow can be seen, to be slowly walking paas through all the debris of burning corpse, and building. Limping, holding what left of his functional body, he grith his teeth in anger, yet he cannot find any sort of form or anyone, for his anger to be directed with.

There, walking slowly out of the great fire, a small boy was clinging into his life, a badly wounded boy, limping through all the obsticles hardly with his damage body. Yet, despise the current situation he is facing, he did not yield, nor does he plan on dying now.

Not yet...

Not until he find it...

H must find it! No matter what the cause!

Even if his body must be destroy while doing so, he doesn't care anymore, he was already on the middle of death door. His broken legs, that still can be use for walking, even with the bones sticking out from the knee cap. His left leg, can still function, not at best, but it is more then enough.

Holding his right chest, that keep bleeding an endless amount of blood, he tried to hold into the wound, so that he won't die from bloodlost yet. Brokens ribes, internal damage, failure of his kidneys, broken left arm, lost of his right vission, and a single piece of small iron sticking on his forehead.

Adding the flame, that keep on burning every single parts of his body, it was an endless river of pain, yet despise such a thing. He cannot feel those pain anymore, maybe he is about to die? Or maybe because of the bloodlost. Whatever it is, he doesn't care about his body anymore, he must keep on moving forward to find it.

A hollow eye, seeing the endless sea of flames, devoid from any sort of life, yet still clinging to his life, even if the current him, doesn't care much about dying. But, deep beneath his mind, a small voice, keep on ringing and yelling at him nonestop. A familiar yet not, an adult voice of a man, that he cannot remember who it belong to anymore.

A small voice, that rage on, spoke to him, that he must live at all cost. The boy is conflicted, to follow that voice, or his own will, a voice that keep on yelling that he must escape from this sea of flames. To his own will, that spoke to him, that he must find it! At all cost, he know nothing for both his will, and the voice. He doesn't even know, what he must find to begin with, yet he keep on following such a thing without any hesitation.

Throwing his body deeper into the sea of flames, he keep on walking, the pain cannot stopped him anymore, and he will not yield to the current state of his body. He keep on walking, until his leg finally give up, and force him to fall on the center of the sea of flames. Seeing that both his legs have give up, he keep on persuing, by using his right arm, to crawl his ways to find it.

The voice can only spoke out in sorrow and grief upon seeing the boy iron will, yet, the voice never once stop to convience him to stop. The boy, devoid from any sort of emotion, keep on crawling his ways far deeper into the sea of flames. Unknown to him, spark begin with ignite around his body, such spark that soon cause further pain to him.

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