Chapter 7: Rider (Rewrite)

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Prior before the night, the day of the summoning of the Barthomeloi servant, that had been prepared to be summoned. In the Barthomeloi house, located in Romania, specifically. The city of Wallachia, where the servant, that Allisa had desire, to be summoned. There is a clear sign, on which servant that she desire to summon.

Everyone in her family had knew such a thing, even though, at first, she want to summon a Greek or Indian hero. Since those two region, held a very powerful Heroic Spirit, such as; Achilles, Diomedes, Ajax, Heracules, Perseus, Hector, Jason, Theseus, and many more. And from India, such as; Karna, Arjuna, Bhima, Ghatotkaca, Ashvathama, and Bhisma.

Yet, her family said otherwise, as they scrap such ideas off her head, because with her current strenght, there is no way. That Allisa can support, or even had enough prana to even fuel those types of servants. Her grandfather, had decide to pick her own servant, a servant best for her to command, and learn on how to grew even stronger. The perfect servant, that can wipe the entire Holy Grail War if use right, but the perfect servant, thag will be very hard to control.

Walking pass the hall of the mansion, Allisa was informed by her servants, that the summoning altar is finished. So, she made her way toward the garden of the mansion, opening the door, as she was about to walk toward the garden. She was meet, with an old friend and colleague of her. Back before the Clock Tower incident had happened, the person infront of her, was her most suited partner and comrade.

A man that was laying his back on the wall of the opened area, standing beneath the moonlight, that man was already in his mid twenty just like with Allisa. Standing tall in about 185 cm in high, and weighting over 67 kg, a man with a slender yet hidden bulky build. With his long yet smooth white hair, that cover his left eye, and with a cross of orange and yellow ember color eye.

With a uniform that was given to him by the church, a man that dress in complete black, as that uniform was cover by a long dark blue coat. A single necklace with a cross that can be seen around his neck, and a single cigiratte in his mouth. Along with a pack of red marboro sitting on top of the fence wall, and a cup of freshly brew black coffee. There is no need for further investigation, to truly know, thag this man work under the church.

"I see, that you haven't got lungs cancer yet, Nicolas," Allisa smiled.

"And I see now, that your still in your period, with all the anger issue left and right," the man known as Nicolas smirked.

Nicolas Hortensia, full name Nicolas Hortensia Emiya/Kotomine, he can change whatever his true family is depending on his mood or task. But for now, he keep the fact that he was an Emiya from everyone. Even those from the church, as he himself, had also just found out, that he have a blood conection with the Boogeyman and the Edelfet heir. Though, unlike the Edelefet heir, who dislike using such name.

Nicolas just keep that last name hidden from anyone, even to the Boogeyman, who still have not knew, about his true surename. Though, the only people that truly knew his true surename, was only his teacher at the church, his mother probally, and his partner in crime; Allisa Barthomeloi. He had never hated having the same surename as the Boogeyman, or even care, that his mother might have an affair. He just keep that surename hidden, until the time is right, or he felt that he want too.

Though, unlike the rest of his two brothers from different mothers, as Nicolas was never the same like the other two. Nicolas was a man that believe that Justice is pure, thus he will purge all those who dare to stained the order of the world. Wheater it's his family, higher up, and even innocents, adopting such ideology thanks to his mother. That ideology, keep him from becoming a hollow man, like his grandfathers, and his brother.

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