Chapter 2: Affection of the War Goddess (Rewrite)

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"Alright, we have arrived," Logan said.

Currently, standing infront of a giant theater, located on the center of Moscow, in Russia. Logan, was standing there with a ticket in his hand, and Berserker behind him. Who was not in her spirit form, as she was told by Logan, that he needed more intimidation factor, to get his belonging.

Wearing a classic dark blue regal dress, that is cover in a thick layer of protection spells, and a flexibility build into so that Berserker can move more freely. She was also told by Logan, to wore an Mystic Code that taken a form of an earpieces. She knew, the true reason, to why her master needed her to wore such a tool and it was for an obvious and safety reason.

"I still think, wasting your mana for me to manifest, is pointless. If we aren't in battle," Berserker commented with a stern tone.

"Don't worry, my mana storage, isn't small you know?" Logan smiled. "Even for a third-rate Magus, I have alot of secret weapons, lying deep beneath my body,"

"Suit yourself," Berserker sighed.

"Well, time to get some manpower, and my arsenal back," Logan then cover his head with a fedora.

The two then walk into the entrance of the museum, that had a sign of close hanging around the entrance. Looking at the direction of the ticket counter, he then press the ticket to the table. But the worker, did not even lay an eye to him, as he was busy reading the news paper.

"Were close," the ticket counter said.

"Well, I'm not here for some sight seeing," Logan then take out a gold coin out of his pocket, and put it on top of the ticket. "Two adults,"

Hearing the sound of the coin, the worker then lay down the news paper, as his gaze then landed on Logan, letting out a sigh. He then grab both the ticket and coin, which he then exchange to Logan back, with two wristbatches.

"Thanks," Logan grabbed the wristbacthes and left.

"Dorothy is waiting," the ticket counter said.

"I know," Logan bid him farewell.

As he return back to Berserker, giving her thw wristbacthes, which she found rather stupid, but accepted at the end. Now with the wristbatches equip, Logan then open the door, as his gaze, was meet with a massive room filled with many historical relics. But, he wasn't here, for some touring, so he quickly head toward the staff door, located on the farthest left side of the first exhibit.

"It's me," Logan said.

The door then click, as someone had opened it from the inside, it was a tall bald man, that was quite intimidating with his build. Wearing a formal suit, that fit for both an office worker and Assassins. Without wasting anymore time, Logan then walk down through the long stairway, with Berserker behind him. It wasn't that long of a walk, but to navigate through the maze that was a Bounded Field.

Set up by the owner of this museum, was more of a pain, even though he had already been here countless time in the past. It waa only a couple minutes of walk, until Logan find the true door, knocking on the door. A small window slit open, a sharp gaze was looking toward Logan for a split second, before it close back. Another click heard coming from the door, as it was then opened, by another man in a formal suit.

"Mr. Emiya, the boss is awaiting for your arrival," the guard said.

"She piss or what?" Logan asked.

"That is not for me to speak," the guard reply.

"Your still the same as always, Nick," Logan sighed. "Well, whatever let get there, before she truly get piss off,"

Berserker only take a second of a glance toward the man, through her gaze, she can already analyze that he was another Assassin. Just like her master, a calm demanor, fitting for a opetunistic predator. The man only nod his head, after hearing Logan words, as the two pair continue on their way.

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