Chapter 5: Archer (Rewrite)

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"The Sixth Holy Grail War, will ignite in two more months, location; Fuyuki, Japan... Once more, this hell of a war, will devour many innocents life," an empty and hollow male voice said.

"Huh? Aren't you happy? That you can fight, that Boogeyman again?" A more lighter yet frustated female voice call him out.

"Happy, not really, I couldn't careless, if that fool is there," the male voice reply.

"Wasn't that fool, your former brother in arm? And actual half brother?" The female voice asked.

"His no brother of mine," a more colder reply was given to the girl. "That fool, isn't even human anymore, thus I do not consider him, to be my brother,"

"Human or not, he is your family," the female voice said. "And the only member, that survive till now, at least be grateful. That he didn't kill you, back then in the Clock Tower, Victor,"

"I couldn't careless, just get the summoning over with," the male known as Victor said.

Victor Edeleft, formerly known as Victor Emiya Edelfet, as he have abandoned the Emiya name long ago. Born, from a wedlock between Luvia Edelfet, and Shirou Emiya, after his mother, might have drug his father to sleeping with her once. But, she keep such fact hidden, from both Shirou, and everyone in the entite Clock Tower.

A man that was already in his midst twenty, with a high of 180 cm, and weight over 68 kg. A more slender man with a small build, with his short yet sharp light blond hair, wearing a pair of glasses, and a white suit that befit a noble status. Though, there was a special part that he currently held, that was his left arm, that was covered in thick layer of bandange.

A bandage that was made out of the toughest materials, that money can buy, with many sealing Magecraft, that was layer around the bandage. To prevent any sort of destruction on the bandage, a bandage that held the purpose, to hidden and sealed away his hidden trump card. Because of the multi later sealings place on the bandage, only Victor himself, can unwrap it, and no one else can, even if they force it.

He have left the name of Emiya, after the incident of Clock Tower, with the death of his mother, at the hand of his half brother; Logan Tohsaka. But, he never felt anger toward him, as he consider such a thing as justice. For the fact, that his mother, might have an affair with Logan father. Yet, even then, she was still his mother, so he still keep a long vendetta toward Logan.

Long before, the Clock Tower incident, back when they were a team of four, with him, Logan, a priest from the Vatican, and a girl that applied under the Order. Back then, it was their glory days, and he might as well, consider them as his family once. But such delusion, was long crush, after their fallout, the day that the girl die, was the day his team have drifted appart.

Victor, was a weird person, ever since he was a child, he never possessed some sort of a dream, nor does he have any sort of ambition. An empty child, that never found any sort of purpose, his mother was concern about such a thing. Thus she help him to gain some sort of ambition, which soon build his own ideology, that had save him multiple time in his life.

The ideology that Justice is Blind, help him alot, in the dreaded envoriment of the mages. Because of such ideology, he ended up giving birth, to a powerful Mystic Eyes. A Mystic Eyes unlike any other, and a once in a lifetime jackpot. Not only that, but his Magecraft, is a direct copy of both his father and mother.

The Mystic Eyes of Reversal, a passive Mystic Eyes, that create a small domain of 15 to 30 meter around him. Under this domain, everything will be reverse, such as attack, if anyone want to attack him under this domain. Their sense of direction, and all six sense, will be mess up by his Mystic Eyes. If they desire to attack him, then their attack will go the opposite direction, a Mystic Eyes that possessed no blind spot.

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