The Tale Of Francis Bonnefoy - fate

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     In a quiet starry night, the three musketeers were camping in a forest, in their way back to the town, Gilbert was laughing loudly at a joke Antonio has said, they were sitting around the fire, while Gilbert and Antonio were laughing and joking around, Francis was staring at the flames, with deep sad eyes, the flames reflection in his eyes was more like remorse and sorrow.

     Both of Gilbert and Antonio were staring at Francis, and though, this isn't as always, usually at these times, Francis will say something perverted, but he's in deep thinking.

     After a few minutes, Francis noticed they were staring at him, ''May I ask why are you both staring at me like that?'' he asked with wonder, ''y'know that really scaring me'' Gilbert said, Antonio glared at Gilbert for a second, and turned to Francis, "what Gilbert trying to say exactly is you're not as usual'', ''oh! désolé, I just tired....a little'', ''..............'' suddenly a heavy silence, Gilbert was very irritated, then he grabbed Francis's collar and screamed, " it's not you at all!! whoever you are, just get back our friend!!'', ''what are you doing?! get of me now!!'', and immediately Antonio grabbed Gilbert tightly ''Oi! Gilbert, calm down!'' Antonio tried his best to separate them.

      Finally, everyone is calm down now, ''I don't like face of you'' Gilbert still glaring at Francis, ''can you stop for a while, Gilbert? Francis, what happened with you?'' Antonio said, ''as I told you, I....'', ''no, you're not'' Gilbert cut Francis's talk, ''who the hell do you think of us, to not letting us know?'' Gilbert said with serious expressions, ''there is something annoying you, right amigo?'' Antonio gave a smile, ''you guys, bufuhahahaha silly me'' Francis sighed.

      ''it has been years now, since her die, a beautiful golden haired girl, was here, and still'' Francis pointed at his chest, ''i'll tell you two a story before going bed, a story about a brave and sacrifice''.


      it was a nice day, the fresh breeze was really nice, I was walking in the crowded street, when someone clashed strongly by me, when I looked up, it was a young lady with long golden hair, and strong blue eyes, she was running from the soldiers, for me I've never seen such a beauty, so I helped her to run away....

''come, this way, mademoiselle!!" I said in hurry, ''she didn't say anything but thanks, as long as we run, nothing could stop us, like the wind we ran, and then we stopped nearby a hut.....

      When I looked at her, she was bleeding.......

      ''Are you alright?! what happened there?!'' I was extremely panicked, she just smiled gently and said ''I am alright, merci beaucoup, monsieur", "no, you're not! you are wounded!" I said, then her eyes turned concerned. 

      "I have to warn the king, a great war will come" said she, she was about to take her move, but I couldn't let her like that, "wait! I will help you, you can do nothing with these wounds" I said to her, "I.....uwaah!!" I carried her on my shoulder and hurried to the nearest monastery, and treat her wounds.

      When the sunset has arrived, she already left the monastery, so I followed her.....

"why are you following me, monsieur?" she asked, ''how can I leave an injured beautiful Lily...heading to her cruel fate?'' I said to her, and our eyes crossed, her will was strong, ''if it's fate, let it be, but for the sake of my land, I am ready to die'' her eyes was shine, I smiled then laughed, ''alright then, if you're going to save this land, you need a party'' I said, she just smiled relief, ''what is your name, monsieur?'' she asked, I walked more closely to her, ''Francis, Francis Bonnefoy, modemoiselle'', ''Francis, my name is Jeanne D'ark'' she was a normal girl with innocent smile, to face a fate like that.

      I won't forget that smile, even after my death....

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