Chapter 1 'Unexpected Mission and Usual Drunks'

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"I'm hungry" - said the little kunoichi who was sitting in front of Leah with a tired and sad expression

"Stop complaining little thief, if we hadn't had to pay what you stole with our reward we wouldn't be in this problem" -said the tall and muscular leader of this team of incompetents while also touching her stomach as a sign of hunger "Besides at least you ate those golden beans you stole"

"I thought those were more valuable... I can't believe that something golden and shiny doesn't have a big value" –answered the kunoichi as she threw her head on the table "But I must admit that the golden beans were delicious I wish I had stolen more... ouch"

Ranhilde had hit her on the head as a sign of reprimand, the kunoichi started rubbing her head with teary eyes.

"I am disappointed in how little control you girls have with their bodies, hunger is a state of mind" -Takane say with her usual calm and condescending tone "As a samurai I can control all my mental states so..."

Before Takane finished her speech her stomach gave a roar that sounded like a bear looking for food, after that sound everyone automatically directed their gazes towards her.

"Cough cough... I think there's a bear nearby" -Takane excused herself as she directed her gaze elsewhere

"AHHH, WE NEED MONEY AND FOOD" –screamed Ranhilde as she clutched her head "Leah-chan tell me you found some mission for us"

Leah who was at the table reading the few mission posters that were left from the quest board.

"Ranhilde-san unfortunately there is no mission that meet your financial expectations" - Leah explained in a calm tone "There is no mission that pays enough money for food, rent , maintenance of our equipment and your nights parties ..."

"Boss, you really should stop considering your nocturnal pleasures as a necessary expense" -Takane suggested while giving her a stern look "You should control such dishonorable carnal pleasures"

"Yesterday you didn't complain while you were drinking your second bottle of sake Takane" -answered Ranhilde pointing at Takane with her finger

"The two of you don't have salvation, if you continue like this both will bankr...." -Before Kurone could finish her sentence, both Ranhilde and Takane hit her on the head

"IF WE ARE IN THIS SITUATION BECAUSE OF YOUR FAULT" –both yelled at the same time

"Most of the missions are cleaning smiles in sewers, toad hunting, animal hunting and goblin hunting" -Leah informed them as she gathered all the mission posters so she could take them to their place

"Hell, it's just the leftovers that no one wants to take, what we did to deserve this" –said Ranhilde as she hit the table

"Maybe if you hadn't gone out partying all night you wouldn't have gotten up so late to get the best missions" -Takane reproached her

"I already told you that you were drinking with me" –Ranhilde responded immediately "And Leah to all this, why didn't you come early, you are the most responsible of the group?"

"Uhh well.... The thing is ..."

"Who do you think took you back to our room instead of ending up in jail like usual?" -Kurone replied "We have dragged you back to our room before the city guard took you two to the jail again for causing trouble while you were drunk since we couldn't afford another bail"

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