Chapter 3 'Mystery go towards the solution'

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"Mphhh?" – Leah began to wake up, her head hurt a little and her vision was somewhat blurred perhaps due to the time she remained unconscious, when Leah tryi to move she discovered that her arms had been tied behind her back and also it's been add a bind from her arms to her feet to prevent her from standing up and moving across the room and of course she had also been gagged to prevent her from screaming or casting any spells.

"Mphh...Mphhh...Mphhh" -Leah started to move as little as she could using her chin and using some strength in her body to be able to crawl a few centimeters, although it was a bit painful for her arms and back, but Leah knew she had to act as quickly as possible for the good of their partners and her own.

As Leah continued to crawl, she could tell that the room where she had been locked up was something like a dungeon and that it did not fit very well with the mansion she had been searching all day which had an elegant and warm appearance while this "room "It had a gloomy and scary air like a torture room, with black brick walls and a somewhat rocky floor and an amazing lack of lighting, but you could distinguish certain objects that were close to it, such as a table and some chairs, although Leah noticed that in one corner there was a little more light than in the rest of the places, so she decided to go to that brightest corner to have a better view of the room.

"MPHH... MPHHH... MPHHH" -between small groans of pain Leah managed to get dragging with her chin to the illuminated corner and there she could see that the room was not as big as it seemed it was something narrow and long, but it was not bigger than the rooms that she had been checking it was just a bit longer, she didn't know exactly where it was, but this room certainly seemed to be inside the mansion.

"¡¡HHMMPPHHHHHH!!" Suddenly Leah heard another moan near her, it seemed a desperate moan as if there was someone asking for help.

"¡¡MPHHHHHH!!" -Leah released another loud moan waiting for them to answer her

"¡¡MMMPHHHH!!" -Leah heard the same moan again, this time she could make out that it was not so far from her, so Leah decided again to crawl until she reached the area where she thought she had heard it, again using her chin and her body in an amazing physical effort because unlike her partners her physical abilities were below average, although thanks to Takane's "games" at least her extremities were somewhat familiar with these tied situations.

"Mphhh... Mphhh... Mphhh" -Leah continued crawling little by little using her chin and bending the rest of her body like a worm, heading towards where she had heard the other person moaning , she then felt that the other person's moans were getting closer...

"¡MPHHHH!" -Abruptly Leah let out a small groan of pain after she collided with something that seemed to be a wooden chair when she raised her head Leah observed that she had collided with a chair but someone was sitting there, Leah could distingu...

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"¡MPHHHH!" -Abruptly Leah let out a small groan of pain after she collided with something that seemed to be a wooden chair when she raised her head Leah observed that she had collided with a chair but someone was sitting there, Leah could distinguish a young girl with short green hair and snow-white skin. She was also wearing a short miko-style dress with red-trimmed sleeves. She also had long white stockings. The girl had her arms tied behind the chair and her torso was also secured to the chair with ropes while her feet were also bound tightly, for some reason Leah noticed that the girl was barefoot.

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