Chapter 4 'Katanas VS Ropes'

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Leah couldn't quite make out the moment Takane move forward to attack Mika in a blink of an eye she was already speeding towards Mika swinging her katana with killing intent , When Mika saw Takane heading towards her at full speed, she began directing a good amount of the magic ropes she had summoned towards Takane with her right hand then Takane began to cut the magic ropes with her katana quickly without any difficulty.

Mika seeing that her magic ropes were not enough she directed her left hand towards Takane and suddenly a celestial magic circle came out of there that began to shoot small spikes of ice towards Takane who began to dodge them while she continues to cut the magic ropes that were heading towards she trying to wrap her body.

Leah couldn't follow the speed at which Takane and Mika were fighting, Takane kept slashing fast in all directions leaving the magical ropes of Mika split in half and on the ground while at the same time she moved from side to side avoiding the ice spikes that Mika constantly shot at her with a certain delay between shots , Mika's mastery of magic was also surprising to cast such a number of spells and at such level without the need for a catalyst or to pronounce spells it was not typical of any common sorceress, Mika must be either a prodigy sorceress or a witch without a doubt.

"Hey... LEEEEAAHHHHH... WHY DODDOOON'T YOYOOOU ... HEHEHELP MEMEMEME ... ININININSTETETEAD OF WAWAWATCHICHICHING ... THETHETHE FIFIFIGHT??" –Kurone yelled from the wall where she was still glued with ice where she twisted in an effort to break free "WE HAVE TO HELP TATATAKANE"

Leah then snapped out of her trance and quickly picked up her staff that had fallen off the side after falling and directed it towards the magical ropes that had become entangled around her feet and tried to channel her mana to the edge of the center and cast a spell.


And from her scepter a small flame was launched directed at her bonds that disintegrated completely quickly, although the ropes were stronger than normal ropes apparently but it seems that Mika did not direct much energy to these magical ropes maybe because she believed that so much energy would not be necessary in a spell against Leah or maybe perhaps she wanted to limit the mana she spent before fighting Takane , but there was no time to think so Leah quickly went where Kurone was as she saw how Takane was trying to get closer to Mika and Ranhilde but the ropes and the ice spells that Mika threw at her kept her in line and it was a matter of time for Takane start to get tired or make a mistake.

"AAAABOBOBOUUUUT TITITIMEMEME LELELELEEEAH" -said Kurone who was beginning to turn pale due to the cold caused by being glued to the ice for so long "FREFREEE MEMEMEM QUQUQUICK PLEPLEEEASE .... SOSOOSOOOO MUMUCHHHHH COCOCOLD"

Leah could see that luckily the layer of ice that stuck Kurone to the wall wasn't very thick and even see that it had begun to melt due to the environmental temperature. So Leah thought maybe a fire spell wasn't necessary.

"OIDEM ROLAC" -Leah said pointing her staff at the layer of ice that covered Kurone, suddenly the staff began to emit a kind of steam that quickly began to melt the layer of ice that trapped Kurone, and Kurone's face began to to become less pale.

"Wow, I thought you were going to throw something cooler like a fireball or something like that" -Kurone admitted sounding somewhat disappointed and without stuttering while putting on a relieved expression "But this isn't bad either, what are you using?"

"Fireballs cost a lot of mana, this is a spell that raises the temperature in a moderate way, consumes much less mana, although it is less effective in battles" -explained Leah while she kept pointing her staff waiting for it to finish melting the ice in which Kurone was trapped "It will also serve to warm you up a bit"

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