ii. Judicious Journeys

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"Angle your arm upwards slightly, y/n, that's it." Encouraged Princess Rielle.

If someone had possibly mentioned to you earlier this week that you would be participating in one of her royal highness' etiquette classes, you would call them a ludicrous liar. But right now, everything in your life seemed completely and utterly ludicrous. From the moment you had agreed to aid the princess, you had left behind a life you would never be able to receive again. Was it for better or worse? The only way you would ever know is to arrive on Paradis Island and discover the answer for yourself. 

Rolling your eyes, you set the fragile teapot back onto the small wooden table and removed the satin gloves Rielle had provided you with.

 "This is pointless. When will a princess ever need to pour tea for another? Surely, as a 'princess', others would pour for me? I mean, I have had to do so myself many a time." You complained.

Rielle sighed, crossing her legs on your bed. The two of you had found yourselves in your cramped room. She was avoiding castle guards whilst giving you a few pointers in the process. You left for Paradis tomorrow. Part of you could not fathom how you had come to this decision. As much as you wanted to help the princess, you had your own personal endeavours to worry about.

 "y/n, the purpose is not the tea but the elegance that comes behind pouring it. If the nobles discovered that you were a simpleton, there would be dire consequences." Explained the princess.

You feebly joined her at the edge of your bed, biting into your lower lip in a sulk.

 "I am not a simpleton, my father educated me, thank you very much." You couldn't help but angrily point out.

 Rielle often insulted you without directly meaning to. It was something you were attempting to educate her on. There would be no way a pretentious princess such as herself would fit in the regular peasant society without a little bit of guidence.

 "My apologies. I did not mean it in that way." She whispered, hanging her head low.

 With a dismissive wave of your hand, you forgave her for her actions. Surprisingly, you and the princess had grown closer than you ever had in your dwindling time together. Witnessing her vulnerable side had brought out many of her amiable qualities that were surprising with her title and all. 

 "This...lover that you are planning on marrying...is he good to you?" You questioned, picking up on the fact she hardly mentioned him.

 Her chocolate brown eyes seemingly sparkled with admiration.

 "Oh yes, of course. Bertholdt is the most wonderful of human beings. He's tall and has the most perfect green eyes. Not to mention his kindness! Oh, y/n, he is simply exquisite." She almost squealed.

 It was unfathomable what love could do to the human brain. 

 "Is he a noble?" You questioned.

 Rielle tensed as heavy footsteps sounded outside your door but continued their way down the halls. The breath she had been holding in rushed out in a deep exhale as she anxiously eyed the door. You couldn't imagine how much of nerve-wracking situation she was in.

 "No. He is a stable hand to a well-off family in the southern areas. But, he has earned enough keep for the two of us to start our own lives somewhere no one could possibly ever know our names. A cabin in the woods...children...Oh, it is truly a dream." Rielle gushed.

With a roll of your eyes, you stretched out, glancing questioningly at the sneaky look the princess was giving you.

 "Maybe, you could find a suitor for yourself in Paradis." She hinted, mindlessly raking her fingers through her hair.

To My Duke, Dearest| j. kirschteinWhere stories live. Discover now