xiii. Devil's Advocate

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There were no events scheduled for today, so instead of socialising with the other women, you decided on roaming the castle, after lunch, attempting to determine where the nooks and crannies, that Eren had not shown you on your tour, led to. The brunette had shown you the brief layouts of the rooms that he wanted you to see, not what there truly was to behold. More spiraled staircases lay undiscovered, certain rooms completely void of human touch, left to simply rot under the merciless hands of decay and dust. It was evident that Trost Palace was hiding more secrets than you ever could have thought, and you were determined to discover them all.

An echoing click reverberated from the soles of your shoes, enveloping the hallway you were traipsing in with an awkward sound. It faintly reminded you of the swinging pendulum of the ancient grandfather clock that resided in the women's lounge; a prying spy that calculated your every move. In fact, it reminded you especially of a certain someone who was currently with you.

Just a couple of steps behind, Porco Galliard trailed behind you, a constantly disgruntled frown on his face as the pair of you passed between bustling servants and maids. The down-turned curve on the plush of his lips irritated you like an itch you just could not scratch. He had absolutely no right to be frowning at you and behave the victim. You refused to feel bad for your petty little quarrel. You had already apologised, after all. The pair of you argued all of the time, why did this specific falling out feel different?

Perhaps it was because you were both forced into this unfamiliar territory together, and you were forced to rely on one another. Two kindred spirits, pitted against the forces of evil. Feeling the corners of your own lips beginning to form a frown as well, you sighed, turning around to face him.

"What is your problem, Galliard?" You scowled, unable to handle the excruciating suffering of his judgemental looks.

He scoffed, stopping a few steps in front of you, glancing you up and down from head to toe. Warmth that flooded in from the enormous window panes enveloped his face, perfectly. The light of Spring was ebbing closer and closer, with the official Annual Polo Match coming just over morrow. It made that notch in his eyebrow much more pronounced and the lines of tension in his face ever more prominent.

"How could you even ask me that? The other afternoon, you told me that Liberio Castle had written to you. Do you not understand how serious of an issue this is?" He panicked, eyes flickering from left to right, cautiously.

He had no reason for his apprehension to speak, the hallway was practically deserted. Shaking your head, you blew out a breath through your nose, placing on a mask of false bravado. There at least needed to one rational mind in the operation, after all. If the seams of your loose plan did fall apart, you greatly feared the consequences.

"I have everything under control, stop fussing. Trust me in this, I will do right by Rielle, I swear of it." You lied, knowing that the only thing that had brought you here was selfish revenge.

The indent of frustration between his brows became harsher as he narrowed his eyes on you.

"Stop behaving as if things are not as dire as they should be. Ever since we arrived, we have had not even a single chance to discuss anything. You have been thrown from pillar to post, indulging yourself in abstract activities without giving a thought to what could possibly happen, if this goes wrong, because that, is what had been given me countless sleepless nights." Porco barked, no longer caring for who was lurking.

Feeling a spark of burning indignation flare through your insides, you gave him a sarcastic round of applause.

"So here it really is! I was wondering what happened to the real Porco Galliard, I wondered what mask it was that you were hiding beneath. How dare you claim that I have not been troubled over this event? Sliding into this role is not simply waving and looking pretty. It is constantly questioning the actions of mine and those around me, every moment of the day. Do not dare undermine my efforts." You hissed, eyes narrowing into slits as you glared him down.

To My Duke, Dearest| j. kirschteinWhere stories live. Discover now