v. Cabin Fever

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Slowly, carefully, you freed your eyes away from the searching ones belonging to the prince. Your heart was thundering in your chest, blood pounding in your ears as you tried to settle yourself down. It felt as if he could instantly see the villainy blazing through your veins, which was completely irrational and stupid...but the eyes. The eyes never did lie, did they? He gave you another smile, close to sheepish, as he took four grand steps back, each practised and calculated as Dot Pixis stepped through in front, ready to address the line of you princesses.

"May the eight of you please be guided to the women's lounge and receive further instructions there. Musicians, please do continue your act." He called with a condescending clap of his hands.

The string quartet picked up from where it left off, and you retreated in on yourself under the scrutinizing look of Dot Pixis. Something felt afoot. And it was not anything to do with the fact that you had just head-butted the prince like a mannerless ruffian, it was something heavily to do with the way people were looking suspiciously at you. You matched them all stare for stare, attempting to understand the reasons for your sudden dislike amongst the public.

It finally occurred to you like an egg being cracked against a bowl. You were a Marleyan, they could smell it from the way you walked, the way you talked. To them, you were an insidious creature who had waged war upon their beautiful island...and you were glad that the feeling was mutual.

The line started from Lady Mikasa as she swept her parasol over her shoulder and ducked her head low, allowing Lady Hitch to follow behind with the rest of you in tow. Although the band had restarted the gentle song they were playing, not a single pair returned to the dance floor. All eyes were on the eight of you as you shuffled out of the room. You felt a finger prod at your back, and you turned, finding Porco anxiously flapping his arms about, void of composure.

"Whatever is the matter the with you!?" You gasped, conscious of the fact that the gap between you and Lady Ymir was widening by the second.

He leant forwards, right against your ear.

"Keep your eyes out for Pixis. I'm not certain that we've managed to fool him. I doubt I would be allowed to accompany you any further, but I will try to see if I could manage a bed quarter close to yours. I would be lying if the presence of so many Eldians was not unnerving. Do make sure to keep up your guard." He warned, stepping back with an assertive nod.

His sudden outburst of panic was unlike him, and you were certain that the flush that had spread over his cheeks was not just to do with his suspicions of Pixis. Despite your inner thoughts, you dutifully nodded your head. At least that made two of you. You did not trust Pixis as far as you could throw him, and you needed to make sure that he did not ruin things for you, even before they got started. 

You turned from Porco, stumbling into the hallway in which you presumed the other contestants had headed to.

It was dark and reeked of splendor and wealth, and you resisted gasping at everything you saw to spare yourself from being deemed simple. The hallway was too wide to reach the other side with one arm and due to the bear-skin rugs that lined the floors, perfectly fitted from wall to wall, you could not rely on hearing the footsteps of the other girls. Trusting your instincts, you kept against the wall you were nearest to, deciding on heading right, fingers brushing against the walls as you dreamt up what you would say to Pixis is there was a confrontation.

There was a clutter that sounded behind you and you soon around, catching sight of a blushing maid that had accidentally tipped a basket of freshly washed linen behind you.

"By Eldia!" She blasphemed, rushing the put the cloth back inside the wicker bowl.

Devil or not, you knew the struggles of being a maid. Having to live with so much glamour but never have a morsel of it for yourself. Instead of continuing to catch up with the other girls, you headed over to her, picking up the last few garments. You held out the raiment to her trembling hands.

To My Duke, Dearest| j. kirschteinWhere stories live. Discover now