iii. Monarchs And Excessive Masquerades

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"I cannot begin to believe this!" You gasped as Porco's firm but assuring hand on the small of your back guided you along the deck.

He seemed completely bemused with himself. His shit-eating grin didn't even need to inform you of that. Turning around, you shot daggers at him with your fierce glare as a crew mate adjusted the plank that would help you get onto the mainlands.

 Part of you was disgusted in yourself at the fact you had allowed yourself to willingly enter enemy territory but you forced those thoughts down. The last thing you could do was ruin the pretty, pathetic princess charade you were carrying before you had even properly gotten started.

Biting air nipped at your body and you re-adjusted your shawl, pushing your shoulders back. Although you were extremely angered over your current situation, this lavish lifestyle was something you didn't mind getting accustomed to. A carriage drew level with the opposite side of the plank and a stranger dismounted from steering seat.  

The man was aging, face constructed together with defined bone structures and crippling crow's feet. A footbrush moustache that had gone grey shielded his upper lip from view but his dull-brown eyes were kind enough. He seemed like the sort of man who snuck his grandchildren sweets when their parents were absent. His hairless head shined in the moonlight.

 "Princess Rielle of Liberio! It is an honour to welcome you to Paradis Island. I am Dot Pyxis, advisor to King and Queen Kirschtein for many a year. May the Courting Season provide an exceptional opportunity for Marley and Eldia to cut their ties of abhorrence and enter a new age of peace, do come along. I see this is your...acquaintance?" Greeted the old man, with an excessive, swooping bow.

 A smile graced your lips as you laughed to yourself, slightly. Maybe Rielle was right...they weren't flat out barbarians, they did have the decency to greet you. Perhaps the devil horns weren't in plain sight but you'd catch them out when their guard was down!

 "I am Porco Galliard, Princess Rielle's assigned bodyguard." Porco announced, stepping forwards and gripping tightly at the hilt of his sword.

 Perchance it was not just you who possessed qualms about these natives. Dot calmly blinked at the pair you with a snort as he tutted. He raised his arms in a motion of surrender and you felt the way Porco had subtly moved his stance to slightly cover you.

 "Oh, Marleyans...always so quick to assume the worst. I can fully assure you that the Kingdom of Trost bears no ill will to the princess. No other guest has arrived with one. You can be on your way, young man." Mused Pyxis, spinning on his heel as he waved a couple of members of his staff to open the carriage door.

 The blonde besides you stiffened, gritting his teeth. You placed a comforting arm on his shoulder. You would be fine without him, besides, your plan would face some complication with him mapping your every move.

 "I am sure you have misheard. I am the princess' bodyguard. I am to accompany her anywhere she decides to venture...including an island full of former enemies. You do not get to command me, thank you very much." Huffed the male besides you, stepping onto the secured plank.

 Dot Pyxis mumbled to himself frustratedly about "running it through with members of security" but ultimately gave in, taking a seat on the steering bench. An unknown crew member grabbed your hand, helping you down the plank and you covered up your face with your fan. It was almost humorous to believe that you had been nothing but rags just yesterday.

Porco had a superior smirk on his lips as your feet touched down officially on the island of filthy devils. The grass didn't incinerate you the minute you stepped on, it was soft...dare you say innocent. Maybe hell was just a couple of miles away and you had gotten your navigation wrong. 

To My Duke, Dearest| j. kirschteinWhere stories live. Discover now