vii. Pass The Salt

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Quickening your stride, you attempted to act as natural as possible instead of bursting into maniacal glee. The hallway was rather too quiet for your liking and you had to remember that this was still enemy territory...and now when you thought about it, you had not even the faintest of thoughts as to where the kitchens were from your position. 

Stopping, you made a full circle around your surroundings, biting your lip as questioned yourself. There was no way you could go back and ask where they were, without drawing suspicion especially after you ladies had just eaten lunch.

If you could find the ballroom you had danced in last night, you would be able to find your way to the kitchens. That was where that mysterious Eren had received those delicious fruit tarts from, no? 

Sighing, you tapped your heel against the echoing floor in puzzlement. At this point, you did not even think you could find your own room. It was that rather whimsical Mr Connie who had escorted you to your room last night, and it was Louise who had showed you the way to the room you just exited. What now?

Stepping forwards, your eyes caught sight of stitched tapestry hung up on nearly every inch of wall. You traced your finger over the obvious one that you knew Eldians in Marley even followed, which concluded the story of their so-called saviour and deity, Ymir Fritz, who was more commonly known as the first devil to you Marleyans. 

Another one that drew your attention was on the top right corner of the wall. Several crowns were stitched into the fabric and there was an image of burning castle. Of course, you had no idea what it meant. You were not familiar with any form of folklore associated with Eldia apart from the legend of Ymir. You knew not of this burning house.

Luckily for you, an opportunity fell right into your lap as suddenly you became aware of whistling. Turning your head, you watched Eren amble his way into the hallway. 

You had to admit, without his mask and in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the hallway, he looked next to ethereal. His hair was loose from its smart bun and now hung somewhere around his broad shoulders, sheltered by his unbuttoned maroon waistcoat that matched his loose-sleeved cream-coloured shirt perfectly. In his right hand, an apple, in his left, a scroll. His eyes brightened when he saw you.

By Liberio, they were some of the most miraculous greens you had ever seen! They were an aqua deep colour of the lagoons rumoured to be found in Hizuru, which shadowed the colour of the most luscious leaves on the outside. In the light, it was like he had placed the most prized emeralds over his face as they sparkled in all the right ways. You had only just met him, but you were still struggling to remind yourself that this was a devil.

"Lady Rielle! Pleasant afternoon, I trust?" He smiled, his left cheek which carried the slightest of dimples, rising in a half-smirk.

He was dubious...there something about the handsome way in which his face configured together and the confidence in the way he walked. Your ogling rendered you speechless for a few moments.

"Has the cat gotten your tongue?" He questioned, taking another bite of his apple.

Slowly shaking your head, you attempted flattery. People were very simple creatures, all it took was a few good words of mouth to twist one of their fates.

"No, instead it is the way as if you parade like you are Ymir's gift...I am just jesting, of course." You chuckled, as to which he smiled, too, snatching another bite of the green apple.

It was not even harvest season, how on earth did he find an apple? He must have stolen from the reserve stocks from harvest, which were usually found in the pantries! Most definitely be could direct you to the kitchens.

To My Duke, Dearest| j. kirschteinWhere stories live. Discover now