He's back

38 1 4

3rd person POV

It had been a year since the whole incident with that green-haired demon they called 'Betelgeuse'. Lydia had just woken up, she turned to look at their alarm clock 6:30 am.
"It's too early to exist right now" Lydia groaned. She smothered her head in their pillow hoping to fall back asleep and skip school, but alas they failed. She turned to look at the clock once again 6:32 am.
"LYDIA! LANGUAGE" Her ghost dad Adam scolded.
"Sorry!!!" Lydia didn't actually care but Adam would pester her about it all day if she didn't apologise.

She started to get dressed and thought she'd wear something different for once. So, they slipped on a Slipknot t-shirt over a black and red long-sleeve shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans and her favourite pair of swing-185 demonias. They hesitated when she reached for her binder. Lydia no! You've worn it everyday all week! You need a break! She sighed and made sure that her shirt wasn't too tight so she could drown out her chest.
"Today's gonna be a long fucking day-"

She made her way downstairs and grabbed a slice of toast from the bench before walking right out the door.
"Bye Lydia" The whole house shouted out
"Do you need me to wash your binder hon?" Barbara asked before Lydia closed the door
"Oh yes please! Thanks ghost mom! And remember don't put it in the dryer or it'll shrink like last time haha!" Lydia chuckled and Barbara looked down and wore an embarrassed and sorry face.
"It's ok dear you didn't know! Now you do!" Adam reassured

Lydia made her way to school and grabbed her books for the next class out of their locker. It was math... great... she ended up daydreaming the entire time. It was hard to admit but she missed him- Betelgeuse was like her chaotic older brother and she loved spending time with him, scaring people for hours at a time for days on end. It was the best time of her life after her mother passed she relived that moment in her head when she said his name three times.

"OH C'MON LYDS!!!" A familiar low gruff voice complained from behind her
"No- it can't be you-" Lydia was in shock
"But it can be"
"I got rid of you!"
"Ms.Deetz! Who are you talking about?" Lydia's teacher looked at her with anger and concern
"Sorry sir-! Won't happen again I promise!"
"Reaaaal smooth lyds real smooth"
Lydia waited until break to talk to the familiar demon.
"What. Do. You. Want." She was pissed at BJ
"You said my name so I came over, ya didn't finish the last one though"
"You clearly want something!"
"I DON'T! HONEST! I'VE CHANGED!!!" Beej protested
"You've done something I know it! You haven't changed since last year!" She looked sceptically at the green bug demon floating around her like a fly.
"I so have! I feel really bad ok? I didn't mean to cause... everything. I was just scared, angry and sad about you leaving me"
"Sure, whatever"
"If you're lying I'm exorcising you!"
"Ugh, you can stick around until I go home if you want, BUT! You can't talk to me during class or I'll get in trouble again!!!"
"F I N E"
"Good demon"
"I'm not a fucking dog"
"Nah but you're a bitch so..."
"GASP! HOW DARE YOU" He pretended to look offended but failed
"Did... did you just say the word gasp? PFT HAHA"
"Shut up or I'll burn every item of black clothing you own"
Lydia rolled her eyes
"Whatever im going to ny next class"

For the rest of the day Betelgeuse followed Lydia around and got bored quickly until he could talk to her again at next break.
Finally they both headed home.
"I have to admit beej, having you around has made life more bearable"
"Awwwww ya really think that scarecrow???"
"Yeah yeah, shut up"
Lydia walked in through the front door and was greeted by Barbara, completely forgetting she was a ghost and could see beej even though he wasn't fully summoned.
Lydia turned around and her face fell She can totally see him can't she?
"Barbara! It's ok!"
"BARBARA IS IT TRUE IS HE BACK?!" Adam came sprinting down the stairs
"Oh boy" Beej sighed
"Babs- I'm-"
"Everyone shut up!" Lydia was fuming
"Ghost parents don't worry, he hasn't been fully summoned yet! I accidentally said his name twice and he came over to see what was going on! He hasn't done or said anything like last time, plus he said I could excorsise him if he tried anything or lied to us"
The three ghosts stared at Lydia until Betelgeuse chipped in
"Yeah! For once I was actually mad when she said ny name! I was enjoying my day off!"
"Day off?" The other three asked
"Yeah since mom's gone I'm the head of the netherworld now! I was having a day off and left Miss Argentina in charge"
"How the fuck did you manage to run the entire netherworld and not completely fuck it up yet?" Lydia was deeply confused
"LYDIA LANGUAGE" Both ghost parents instructed before turning to the bug gremlin infront of them with the same confused look as Lydia.
Beej just shrugged and his hair turned a confused orange.

The four of them decided to have a relaxing evening until the other two Deetz's arrived, since they couldn't see the green demon they had to collectively agree to not tell them until the time was right. This just made Betelgeuse angry
"C'mon A-dog! They should be able to know im hereeee"
"Mr Betelgeuse no-"
"For the love of god/satan don't call me 'Mr beebleboose' it's fuckin weird-" His hair started to turn yellow from embarrassment before going back to its usual green. Adam snickered and beej gave him a look that could kill the already dead as a flash of red went through his hair.
"Don't you fuckin dare"

Charles and Delia walked into the house
"Who were you talking to?" Charles was confused
"Ah! We just spoke to Miss Argentina about some things and were coming back from the netherworld" Adam started to sweat, he's not a good liar at all
"You guys all suck at this whole lying thing ya know?" BJ heckled
"Shh" Barbara hissed
"Barbara are you ok? You just hushed the air" Delia looked at her ghost friend with deep concern
"Sorry! I-I'm fine just uh dead people things"
"Ok then..."
"You know I kinda like being invisible for once... I CAN TOTALLY FUCK WITH YOU GUYS"
Lydia rolled her eyes and went to her room, Beej was following close behind his reunited friend
"Beej get out I'm getting changed" Lydia deadpanned
"Shit sorry!" He backed off

Betelgeuse POV

I knew I had done some really shitty things in the past and I had to make it up to her. To everyone-
"You can come in now BJ"
"Ok!" I walked into her room and sat myself on her ceiling, floating and catching little bugs that were crawling on there.
No matter what I'm going to make it up to them all especially my best friend Lydia
I have an idea...
She wanted to see her mom right? That's why she left in the first place-
Maybe if I-


1306 words

First fan fic in a while ngl
Hope you enjoyed
Also, BEETLEJUICE FAN FICS??? IN 2022???? Y E S.

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