Operation-Dead Mom

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3rd person POV
Beej immediately began to think. How can I possibly pull this off? It's impossible, there is no way the soul of a human can come back right? He stopped for a moment and an idea hit him like a bus. The book! The book has all of the answers! Immedietly he drew a portal to the netherworld and rushed into his office.
"Oh you're back already? Thank satan I can't deak with all if these souls for much longer-" Miss A started
"SORRY MISS A! IN A RUSH GOTTA GO BYE!" The demon had said as he rushed past her desk. Miss A frowned and rolled her eyes.
"Im suprised he's actually doing something on his day off, and he's running? What has gotten into him?" The assistant disregarded it and continued to get souls through the netherworld.
"Now where in the fuck is this stupid book? Mom always kept a copy for dumbasses that didn't read it" He rumaged through all of the draws and finally found it. "AHA! Gotcha bitch!" He flipped through each and every page "I uh... I can't read, oh fuck this. I'll get the Maitlands to read it for me" He ran back to the doorway he had made. Oh thank god/satan no one has closed it yet.

In the living world
Beej had come through the doorway and the Maitlands met him outside of it.
"So.... Mr.Betelgeuse... why where you in the netherworld? And why do you have that book? Planning to try and excorsise Barbara again?" Adam spat.
"Look I swear on my afterlife I'm not doin' anythin' sneaky! I just... ah shit I can't do feelings" A few locks of his hair turned purple and a yellow, he was a bit hurt by their accusations and embarassed of his feelings, he couldn't quite express them properly. "Look, I feel really fuckin' bad for.... everything. So! I thought maybe I could do something nice for scarecrow to make them feel better, she misses her mom and I know last time I said I would bring her back... didn't go well. But I promise I want to help her see her again, you have my word and if I lie you can excorsise me. I just need your help to read the pages I can't read very well..." The dead couple looked at eachother in confusion and examined his hair, which was turning more purple and yellow by the second, even streaks of blue shone through. Beej had his head down and he stared at the floor, he felt he knew what they were going to say to him.
"I think he's telling the truth Adam, I mean look at his hair" Barbara whispered. Adam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, making his glasses crooked.
"Ok... fine, we will help you" He said hesitantly to the demon while fixing his glasses. BJ's hair went electric green and he lifted his head.
"R-really?" His deep green eyes shone making Adam and Barbara blush a little. Beej let out a toothy smile, showing off his fangs. He's so adorable. Both ghosts thought.

In Lydia's room
Homework sucks total ass. She tapped her pen on her desk looking for a drop of motivation to do her homework, but it never came. This fucking sucks. They leaned back in their chair and rubbed her temples. Gives me a headache every time. She stared at the paper full of equations and started working one out in her head until she heard the familiar voice of her best friend coming down the hall. Oh thank god, I was actually considering doing maths for a second there. They put their ear to the door and listened, BJ's voice was quiet and muffled.
"I don't know if it will work A-dog...."
"Are you sure? I mean last time it..." The ends of his scentences became unreadable. Lydia heard two more voices perk up.
"Im sure it's going to work, trust me" The warm voice of Barbara reassured a worried Betelgeuse.
"If you're 100% sure this is the right spell then it has to work" Adam had a similar tone.
"Ok ok fine, I can do this" Beej walked down the hall to Lydia's door, she backed away and sat back at her desk to seem less suspicious. Beej grabbed the handle and whispered under his uneeded breath "It's showtime" as he turned the door handle he was met with his best friend turning to him and smirking.
"What's up B-man? What chaos have you got brewing for me today?" They knew all too well he wasn't in the mood for chaos, his hair was streaked with yellow, he was nervous.
"Uhhh no chaos right now lyds but I think I have something better for you" He fiddled with his hands and the handbook rested in his arm.
"Does this something have to do with the book?" Lydia pointed to the handbook.
"Well kinda- it can help but it isn't everything" He cracked a small nervous smile. "I know last time I used the handbook it was bad... and I promised something that didn't happen" More yellow formed in his hair as he reminised on his past mistakes, purple flowed through his hair slowly.
"Oh yeah you promised to bring my mom back and ended up trying to kill Barbara" Lydia deadpanned.
"Ok yes that was bad but I think I found a way to actually bring your mother back" He looked to the floor.
"You're joking? Right?" Tears streamed down Lydia's face, tears of pure joy. "I can actually see her again?" She rammed into her demonic brother figure and hugged him "Thank you!" Their face was buried in his shoulder.
"Ew kid ya getting my jacket dirty" Beej chuckled at his joke. Lydia sniffled.
"It already looks like its covered in shit" She retorted.
"How DARE you-!" He huffed "My suit is so clean and fashionable as fuck" He struck a pose. Lydia wiped the last of the tears from her face and pulled away from the hug for a second.
"But seriously, thank you so fucking much beej" He patted her back.
"But uh the thing is it can onky he done once, she can only see you one time with this spell so we need to be careful. I looked everywhere but this was all they had in the book." Lydia's face fell.
"It's ok, it's better than nothing. Plus... you're trying and that's all that matters" She looked at beej, his glowing green eyes filled with truth, he really wanted to see Lydia happy and see her meet her mother one last time. His hair had gone back to its normal green, maybe even brighter, so much so it looked like it was... glowing?It looked kinda radioactive.

1142 words wow thats a lot i wrots in like 10 minutes, uh anyways i might write more idk who knows im bored ok bye

Also there will be some beetlelands
But no smut bc i am ace and i cant write it well enough

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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