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𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟭, 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟱

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 few days at the Hawthorn Island manor were pacifying for Evelyn, despite how dispirited she previously felt over having been unable to spend her summer with Chloe and Julian.

Her mornings were spent waking up later than she normally would, catching up on all the sleep she missed during the school year. When she got ready for the day, she always went down to the kitchen to talk to whichever house elf is working, then she'd grab a cup of coffee and sit outside by the shore, reveling in the warmth the sun would give her.

Evelyn would typically spend her afternoons either catching up with her cousin Theo, or roaming the giant manor with Pansy, Blaise, and Theo exploring the many different rooms the manor was comprised of.

When dinner rolled around, she'd either eat outside again whilst she watched the sunset, or have dinner in her bedroom by herself, reading whatever book she'd pick out to read for the day.

The best part about this holiday so far was that her parents were completely and utterly absent, too busy doing god-knows-what with their pureblood extremist friends to keep an eye on her.

When Evelyn asked Theo what he thought their parents were up to a few days ago, he casually blew off the conversation and changed the topic— which truthfully irritated her and left her wondering if he somehow knew more than he was letting on. Evelyn wondered if her parents and uncle chose to discuss their plans with him, furthermore deciding to keep her completely out of the loop on purpose. It's not like she'd be at all surprised if that was the case, as her parents have always kept information from her, hence the reason why they've also yet to tell her what they know about the rumours surrounding the possible war.

And then there was her neighbor, Draco Malfoy. Merlin, she knew Theo told her Malfoy was "reserved", but she didn't think that would mean he'd quite literally ghost them all. He's refused to reveal his presence to the rest of the group and has pretty much avoided everyone like the fucking plague. Evelyn even went out of her way to ask Theo about Malfoy's sudden change in attitude, to which her cousin just stated that the blond boy told him he "wasn't feeling well", and that Malfoy does this a lot.

Either way, Evelyn's conscience just couldn't help but feel worried about him, speculating in her mind if there was a different reason behind his sudden cold shoulder. His excuse that he didn't feel well just didn't make much sense. One time, Evelyn accidentally caught a glimpse of him walking towards the library in their shared hallway, and he seemed more than fine. Absolutely perfect, in her humble opinion, with his pretty silver eyes and chiseled jawline that made him look like he was carved from an angel.

Nevertheless, Evelyn tried her hardest not to let Draco's avoidant persona bother her too much. She didn't even know a single thing about the boy, and hasn't even spoken to him apart from that interaction they had their first day here, so therefore she shouldn't feel so disheartened about his lack of engagement with everyone.

Yet for some reason, she couldn't stop feeling disheartened about it.

Evelyn felt a pang in he chest whenever she thought about Draco and his blatant absence in their group. She wished she had it in her to just knock on his door and ask if he needed anything to make him feel better— emotionally and physically, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

It was currently a bright and early Saturday morning, and Evelyn had been making her way over to the second corridor to visit Pansy's bedroom, taking two stairs down at a time. She didn't even knock once she got there, just casually strolling in like Parkinson tends to do to her. "Good morning, Pansy," Evelyn greeted once she met her new friend's half-asleep eyes, the dark-haired brunette finishing her makeup for the day in a full-length mirror built in one of the walls in her bedroom.

𝐔𝚴𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝚨𝚩𝐋𝐄 ⇥ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now