𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 13

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𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟯, 𝟭𝟵𝟵𝟱

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐍 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 was surprisingly good at flying.

Granted, Draco honestly thought she was a lost cause when it took her nearly an entire hour to mount the bloody broomstick, but he slowly became conscious of the mind block she was just dealing with at the time, her beliefs plagued by comparisons of Theo's talents and experience to her more basic capabilities.

It came as a pleasant surprise to both Draco and Evelyn when she was quick to learn and accomplish everything else there was to know about flying. By the end of the night, she could practically hold her own without any supervision, and Draco was honestly impressed with the way she was able to balance on the blasted thing better than he could— although, he couldn't bring himself to admit that out loud to her. Draco figured in a couple day's time, she'd be ready to play an entire game of quidditch without even bobbling her broomstick once. He wanted to pat himself on the back; he made quite the wonderful flying instructor, if he said so himself. Although, he wasn't sure if he could take full credit for her success, as much of it seemed to just come naturally to her.

The sound of her beautiful laughter and accomplished excitement from the night before still rang in his ears the morning after, and he couldn't help the smile that formed on his face as he finished getting ready, throwing his black suit jacket on and running a swift hand through his messy hair.

Why did he already miss her?

A part of him hated the way he already missed Evelyn, and how attached he's become to her. He also hated how pained he felt when he realised he'd have to spend his yet another day pretending like he barely talked to Evelyn and had absolutely no regard for her, the only reason behind that being that they both didn't want Theo having any inkling about their sudden association with each other.

Draco found himself starting to feel contempt over how different he was in comparison to the person he'd been prior to meeting her the first day at the manor. Prior to the dream he had of her months ago, when he first became aware of who she was and hadn't stopped thinking about her since.

Merlin was he completely out of his mind recently. This is not supposed to be him. This is not how Draco Malfoy was supposed to be acting. What the fuck has happened to him?

He's not supposed to be putting his time and energy in some girl, teaching her how to fly a bloody broomstick and making her feel better over her shit family life. He's supposed to be the person that blatantly mocks her for not knowing how to fly, and adds salt to the wound when she's feeling downhearted over her family hating her.

The old Draco Malfoy would've laughed in her face and insulted her endlessly, explaining that maybe if she knew how to mount a broomstick, her parents might actually love her.

The new Draco Malfoy felt sympathetic for Evelyn's dejection caused by her family, and even felt impelled to ram his fist in her mother and father's face for being so neglectful to someone with such a pure, kind heart. He found himself actually wishing he could take all of her pain and suffering away, allocating it all on himself instead.

He couldn't tell you which Draco Malfoy he hated more.

If fifth year began right now, and he was already on the Hogwarts Express heading back to school, Draco knew for a fact he'd instantly go back to being his usual arrogant self, finding enjoyment in bullying the first-years and Gryffindors alike.

And if they just so happened to be both: a first-year Gryffindor, well, let's just say they'd be counting their days.

Yet, then his mind wanders over to his beautiful new friend, and he happens to think about how if Evelyn was somehow there by his side, he'd probably feel compelled to leave everyone alone. He'd have no reason or interest in making peoples' lives a living hell if she was there with him. He wouldn't want to disappoint her, and he most certainly wouldn't want her to find his crude nature detestable.

𝐔𝚴𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐓𝚨𝚩𝐋𝐄 ⇥ draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now