Kamado Siblings x Child! Reader

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Clover in a Rose Field

This is my first one shot, so I hope you enjoy :]

Tanjiro's POV:

I carefully wander Mt Fujikasane, my senses are going haywire. I can smell people fighting, running, crying, dying. I had just defeated The Hand Demon, the one that killed thirteen of Master Urokodaki's apprentices, and I finally avenged Sabito and Makomo and put them to a well needed rest, but I was still heavily injured from the battle. My legs soon gave out. I crashed to the ground panting. 'I need to get up. I need to keep going!' My arms ached as I tried to support my broken and beat body. I felt my stomach turn and stretch in painful ways. 'No no no no no!'

Pat, pat, pat, pat. . .

I hear small footsteps approaching.

Something's coming. It could be a demon slayer!- Or a demon!- Or-! A child emerges from behind a tree. We stare at each other for a while. "Uhm hello?" I break the silence. "Are you a demon? Why are you here?" They walk over to me with their arms swaying from side to side. Pat, pat, pat, pat. "Hurt?" They say in a soft but raspy voice. I was confused but then noticed the small first aid kit in their right hand. It was covered in small papers that have small kid drawings on them. "Do you want to assist me?" I ask looking up at the child. They tilted their head, seeming confused as to what I just said. "Oh uhm- do you want to help me?" I sounded pretty dumb earlier, I should've known that the child probably didn't know what 'assist' meant. "Yes!" The child immediately brightened up and pranced over to me.

Time skip
Narrator's POV:

After the small child fixed Tanjiro's wounds, He sat up and stretched a little but stayed wary of his injuries. "Thank you so much!" Tanjiro looked around. "I'm guessing you're a healer wandering around helping people? That's such a task! I wish you luck!" They tilted their head once again. "E-Eh? Did I say something confusing?" The kid then turned around and ran away. "Hey, hold on!" He tried to run after them, but they ended up getting away.

'I hope they'll be alright.'

Six days later.

Tanjiro marched up to the mountain top, injured but healed in spirit. His wounds opened up again but after the sixth day, so he had no reason to worry. Kiriya appears along with his sister, Kanata, to greet everybody- or what's left of everybody. There are only four swordsmen left including him, and the child Tanjiro met six days ago is nowhere to be found. After he picked ore for his Nichirin Sword and gained his own uniform and Kasugai Crow, Tanjiro turned towards Kiriya and Kanata and walked over to them. "Hello! May I ask where that healer is? I want to thank them."

Kiriya and Kanata stare at him blank faced. "There is no healer for The Final Selection." Kanata spoke.

"But the small child with (Hair length) hair and a long (Favorite color) shirt, they healed me six days ago." Tanjiro was highly confused. 'I'm sure I wasn't imagining it.' Kiriya and Kanata spoke at the same time, "There is no healer for The Final Selection." He was even more confused, then that confusesion turned to worry. Was that child dead?

Skip to Sakonji Urokodaki's house
Tanjiro's POV:

I was sitting there next to Master Urokodaki, waiting for my new sword to arrive. Nezuko was in the other room under a blanket due to it being morning. Master Urokodaki was informing me about the dangers outside at night until we were interrupted by screaming coming from some man with a high pitched voice. Leaping up and heading outside, I saw a man with a strange mask looking around frantically saying things like 'Where'd it go?' and 'How dare it!?'

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