Kamado Siblings x Child! Reader {Pt. 2}

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Sorry for being gone, I was on break

Narrator POV:

Morning came rather quickly. The sun began to shine on the Wisteria house where most of the Kamaboko squad lay asleep- with their new friend of course.

A box sat in the far corner of the room where the young teens lay. The box supports a small child who lays sound asleep, snoring away in their dreamless sleep. It slowly opened to reveal Nezuko. She rubs her tired eyes and slowly grows in height.

After regaining the height of an average teenager, she looks over at the child, or (Name), sound-asleep next to her. Nezuko bends down and rubs their head and cheek, earning a small smile from (Name). She smiles back subconsciously and gets up on her feet.


She looked over to her right to see who was calling her. "Nezuko-chan~!" Zenistu was swaying back and forth with flowers dancing around him, obviously in wonderland. She stares at him in confusion.

He gets very close to Nezuko, scaring her, and making her back away from him but he followed. She tried to move away from him but Zenistu followed, causing a chase. "Nezuko-chan! Nezuko-chan!" She stopped near the closet and stared at Zenitsu approaching her suspiciously. He was cut short when Tanjiro cut in front of him with his cheeks puffed and his eyebrows tilted down.

"Tan-ji-ro." Zenitsu grabs Tanjiro's hands lovingly, making Tanjiro pull his hands away in disgust and fear. Once again, they're running around the room, this time with Tanjiro in between them. "Zenitsu! Don't keep chasing us! I beg you!" "Oh don't be like that, Tanjiro!" The door to outside opened abruptly and Inosuke came in screaming causing the two boys to stop. Out of nowhere, he headbuts Tanjiro's back. Inosuke screams again and starts chasing Tanjiro with Zenistu behind him trying to stop him.

Nezuko remains standing by her box, flabbergasted at the scene happening in front of her. She was taken out of her trance when she felt something pull at the ends of her kimono. Looking down, Nezuko was met with the small, tired face of (Name). She bends down and once again rubs her cheek, earning a smile from the young child.

"HmmHmm!" Nezuko humed what seemed to be a greeting. "Morning, mama." (Name) said sleepily. This caught Nezuko by surprise. ''Mama?' She thinks of me as a motherly figure??' She stared at the child with wide eyes for a few seconds before smiling under her mussel and patted the child's head. Nezuko giggled and nodded her head.

Time Skip

The five were running outside miles away from their original location as they made their way towards their next destination.

Tanjiro heads to his next location to a mountain northwest and he brings Inosuke, Zenitsu, and (Name) with him. Mount Natagumo stands high in the distance surrounded by a dangerously ominous and killer aura. The almost black mountain calls the Demon Slayers toward it like a mother to their child or an Angler fish to their next meal.

They shiver in the tense air, almost like a ghost engulfed each of them in their dead, cold arms. Tanjiro looked down at the child holding his hand tightly. They were horribly shaking despite being hand in hand with such a kind protector. The boy squatted down in front of the child; taking his hand away from (Name)'s and instead gently placing it on their shoulder. "Don't worry, (Name). I will be here by your side and we won't let anything happen to you!"

"What do you mean 'we'? I'm not going up that death trap."

"Shut up Zackery."


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