Kanao x Female! Reader

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I don't see enough of these :]

(Name)'s POV:

I have been staying at the Butterfly Estate for quite some time. I was on a mission with some other demon slayer about four months ago, sadly they were not able to live til sunrise and I barely made it out alive. A girl about my age found me right before I blacked out and took me to their sanctuary. I had a broken rib, broken nose, fractured right leg, and seven broken fingers.

I remember how I used to blame myself for the death of my comrades, the people I've known so well. The girl, who I've found to be Kanao, approached me one day, and that day is the day I will never forget.

Four months ago

Narrator's POV:

(Name) was outside reflecting on her past. She had her (Hair color) hair covering her face ( If you don't have hair, replace it with a hood :] ). She watched the grass under her dance in the wind, she watched the butterflies frolic in the air, and she watched how she would ever so often grab the tip of her haori, the one the group bought just for her. (🖤🥀⛓️😫~E m o~😫⛓️🥀🖤)

Footsteps echoed towards her lightly, as if it's scared or nervous about their next actions. Turning towards the noise, (Name) was met with the face of the girl that saved her. Kanao. Kanao gave her a small, genuine smile to which (Name) returned to the best of her abilities. The butterfly girl sat next to her looking deep in thought as she kept glancing at the girl next to her and then her pocket.

"Is something wrong?" (Name) spoke up. Kanao quickly looked at her then back to her pocket. She brought something out of her pocket and held it in front of her. "A. . . Coin?" (Name) asked, highly confused. She stared at the coin in wonder and thought, but her thoughts were interrupted when Kanao flipped the coin.

It flew in the air with grace and precision, each side sparing only a second to the eye. It then landed on the back of Kanao's hand. Slowly uncovering her hand, Kanao and (Name) peeked at the coin in wonder. The coin landed on 'Tails'. (Name) leaned back and Kanao placed the item in her pocket. The girls then looked at each other, (Name)'s face covered in confusion while Kanao's face was covered in nervousness. Slowly and carefully, Kanao opened her mouth. "Are you. . . alright?" She said in a very gentle and quiet voice, catching the other girl by surprise.

"Me?" (Name) asked wide eyed. Kanao nodded her head. "Uhm I-I. . . I'm just down in the dumps I guess." (Name) looked down, fiddling with the top of her clothing. Kanao looked at her and back to the pocket again. She was about to pull the coin out but stopped. Staring at her coin, she made her decision. On her own.

Kanao wrapped her arms around the other girl quickly, almost knocking them down. (Name) delicately hugged back and they held each other for an hour.

Current time
(Name)'s POV:

Kanao and I were outside meditating- or I'm meditating. I don't know what the fuck she's doing. Anytime she was secretly stressed, she would ask for my presence and we would spend the day together. Go on a walk, cook food, train, etc. I've always enjoyed my time with her. When I was still in recovery, I only took my meds if they were provided by Kanao. I felt that if I got attached to these people, I would lose them too, but Kanao was different for some reason. I trusted her with my life.

Kanao looks over to me. "I need to discuss something with Shinobo, do you mind if I leave?" She looked timid. "No I don't mind! Go ahead!" The two girls wave at each other, and Kanao heads off.

Narrator's POV:

Kanao found Shinobo outside tending to her koi. The woman notices her and turns around. "Hello, Kanao! Do you need something?" She said in her usual cheery voice. Kanao reaches a hand into her pocket and pulls out her coin. Shinobo face saddens at this but turns back into a patient smile. The girl flipped the coin and caught it, causing the coin to land on 'heads'. Kanao frowns and puts her coin in her pocket. Shinobo get's the idea and turns away, until a voice stops her.

"Is it okay if my special one is. . . a girl?"

Shinobo turns around in shock. 'A girl? I thought she liked that Tanjiro boy.' She flashes a kind, caring smile. "Oh dear, I believe you should go with your heart on this one. A coin can't decide love, but if you need help, I will always be here!" ( :[ ) Kanao smiles and nods. She quickly ran towards where Aoi may be leaving Shinobo smiling brightly.

"What? You want me to make Matcha Mochi? Why?" Aoi was standing in the kitchen with her hands on her hips. "(Name) likes when you make them." Kanao said shyly. Aoi was confused for a second until she realized and formed a smile. "Of course, I'll get it done quickly." Kanao thanks her and runs to find a good spot to hang out.

The mochi was done, (Name) finished her nap, and Kanao was waiting for her outside. The area was covered in butterflies and beautiful flowers, the area is also the place where Kanao first spoke to her best friend. A yawning (Name) emerges from the building, her (Hair Length) hair was very nappy but she looked pretty nonetheless. Looking over, she caught eyes with the mochi next to Kanao and sped walked down towards her.

"Hello Kanao!" She said grabbing some mochi. "Hello. How was you nap?" Kanao asked, also grabbing mochi. "Great!" (Name) stretched. "Is there something you would like to discuss? You usually don't bring me to this spot." Kanao get's extremely nervous. "N-No." "If you say so. Oh! By the way, I'll be leaving soon because starting to be assigned missions!" (Name) chirps. Kanao felt her face fall. "O-Oh. . . When?"

"Today!" Her heart shattered. The girl she loves was about to leave her, today. (Name) notices and gives her a sad smile. "Hey, don't worry. I'll come visit you!" Kanao looks over, "Really? Why?"

"Why? Because I love you, Kanao!"

Kanao blushed brightly. She couldn't process words. She couldn't decide. That's it! Her coin can decide! She reaches into her pocket and- 'Oh dear, I believe you should go with your heart on this one. A coin can't decide love'. . . She let go of the coin and brought her hand out of her pocket. Kanao takes hold of (Name)'s hand and looks straight at her.

"I-I love you too (Name). I love you dearly. I'll be waiting for your return."

End :]

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