Princess Peach x Mushroom Loving! Reader

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I did another fandom jump! I visited the Mario fandom about two days ago, sadly the books were kind of disappointing.

But anyways, I hope you enjoy this book :]

Narrator's POV:

The afternoon air danced with the trees and the grass, wind whooshed by, and the nature sung around the castle. Peach's Castle stands high in the distance, red flags waving in the breeze, flowers and greens bloom lusciously on each side of the castle. Outside of Peach's Castle, a forest stretches for miles. No one knows what is on the other side- until today that is.

Curiosity got the best of Princess Peach as she walked down an old dirt road. Her heels tapping on the ground as she walks an old dirt path. Her pink silky dress moved with her as she held her hand to her chest, looking around in wonder. "I don't think this is a good idea, princess." Looking to her right, she is accompanied by Toad. He insisted on going because he didn't think she would be safe alone. Who wouldn't? She's a princess walking in an uncharted forest.

"Oh don't fret, Toad. We will be in and out in a jiffy!" Peach's soft and gentle voice calmed the mushroom as they continued their journey. "Whatever you say, princess."

They traveled for a while longer before deciding to head back, but stopped at a sudden noise. "What's wrong, princess?" Toad looked up at the princess who was glancing around. She looked down at him, "Do you hear that?" He immediately stiffened and protectively stood in front of Peach- to the best of his abilities of course. "No, no. It's definitely not something hostile! It sounds delicate and fragile, almost majestic if not in this forest." Peach looked around more.

Toad was confused. 'Majestic? Why did the princess describe it as if it was from some movie?' He also looked around. "I don't hear anything." Peach looked down at her friend. "If only you could, it sounds oh so heavenly." She looked down and put her gloved hand on her face, almost as if she was daydreaming. Turning around again, she could find the direction the sound was coming from. "Over there!" Peach held the ends of her dress as she ran in said direction. "Princess, wait!"

The two ran through the forest, Toad dodging the trees and roots with ease while the princess tripped a few times. Closer and closer to the mysterious sound, yet farther and farther from the edge of the forest. The closer they got, the more Toad could make out some sound. 'Humming?'

Peach came to a sudden stop causing Toad to fall to the side of her so as to not bump into her. "Princess?" He once again looked up at the princess who put her hand to her lips in response, shushing him. She carefully guided her finger away from her lips to what was infront of her. Following her finger, Toad realized who she was pointing at.

A person with (Hair Length), (Hair Color) Hair sat in a bed of flowers. They stared at the thing in front of them, a Pear-Shaped Puffball {A mushroom} bloomed perfectly in the summer rays. Their clothing, which consisted of a (Favorite Color) short sleeve shirt covered by blue overalls, blew in the wind and there (Shoes of Choice) was covered in dirt but you could make out the slightest bit of a floral pattern on them. A hat that represents the cap of a red mushroom rests on their head.

They stared at the mushroom, admiring its every feature as they hummed a song {This 😍 is 😶 my 😡 fight 💪 song 😔}. Peach stares in wonder as Toad stares in confusion. 'I've never seen them before.'

The unknown person stands up and turns to leave. "Wait!" The person stops and flips around, shocked at the gentle voice that called for them. "Sorry to startle you! You-you have a wonderful voice." Peach breathes out in amazement. The person seemed confused but answered, "Uhm Thank you??" Their voice sounded sweet but raspy. Peach stares on but brings herself back to reality. "Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Peach Toadstool! May I ask what your name is?" "Oh, my name? It's (Name)." The princess and person share a smile.

"Ahem!" Toad clears his throat. He opens his mouth to speak- "OH MY LORD! Is that a walking mushroom!? That's so COOL!" He was quickly enveloped in a lung-crushing hug. Toad tries to escape but fails to do so. He looks over to the princess for help, but she just giggles. 'This is it. I'm going to be crushed to death in the hands of some fungi-loving enigma.' He thought, giving up.

"I have an idea: why don't you come to my castle and have some tea! I'm sure you would enjoy it!" (Name) took their attention away from Toad and focused on Peach in surprise. "You own that castle!? I'm so sorry!" They quickly bow, taking Toad down with them. Peach smiles and tells them it's fine.

"Hey! Let me go!" Toad yells. He makes noises of struggle when (Name) squeezes harder. "It talks too!?" "Yeah 'it' talks! My name is Toad and I'm a guy! Now put me down, weirdo!" He scrabbles a bit more. Their face saddens and they let out a whine of disappointment.

Peach looks over to (Name) and sees their sad face. Seeing such a sad face, breaks her heart in a million pieces. She looks over to Toad as he struggles to get free. Toad notices her stare and glances at her while scrabbling. A princess learns a thing or two about ruling, and she puts one of the things she learns to work. Scrunching up her face, closing her eyes halfway; Peach shoots the meanest glare she could foster.

Toad freezes causing (Name) to giggle, hugging him again thinking he was giving them permission. He sighs in defeat once again as the two make their way to Peach's Castle.

Small time skip

At the foot of the woods, the trio glance around at the surroundings. Bees frolik, water whistles, and Toads would go about their business, causing (Name) to squeal. They still held onto the one in her grasp though. He's their favorite.

The two take a step towards the castle, before a loud thump followed by a crash shakes the ground. Before they could gain their footing, Something large falls from the sky and lands in front of them, knocking them down. Looking up Toad and Peach was met with a familiar sight. . .


"Well, well, if it isn't the princess and her stupid decomposer friend." His deep voice echoes with confidence and cockyness. Said two get up, Toad protecting the princess and Peach clinging onto (Name). Bowser looks at the newcomer causing his face to contort into confusion.

"Mushroom hat. Who are you?" He voiced, pointing at them. "It does not concern you! Please leave, Bowser!" Peach said while clinging onto them harder. He laughs rather loudly, "I only asked what their name was, princess! No need to get so hostile." Bowser said between his chuckles.

He looks between the two in thought, then stops at Peach. His face turns into surprise as he once again glances at the two, this time faster, with wide eyes, and small confused grunts every time he looks at a new person. His eyes land on the arm she's clinging onto. Bowser looks up and points at (Name).

"Is that why you refuse to marry me?"

Everyone was confused except Peach, she was bright red. 'Is that why I won't marry him?' Peach thought. 'I just met them but-but everything about them is so- enchanting.' She squeezes onto (Name) harder causing them to look at her confused and lost. Peach looks up at Bowser with her answer.

She nods her head with confidence.

"Oh. Well then." Bowser stands there awkwardly. He bows. "Sorry then. I-I just wanted the best for Bowser Jr." Peach smiles at the large dinosaur. "It's alright, Bowser." She stretches a hand. "How about you join us for tea?" Bowser smiles and nods at her request.

Before he could take her small hand, something knocked Bowser to the dirt as him to let out a roar. He got up and looked around. He caught eyes with his nemesis, Mario. "Damn Mario! You're going in the ground!" He quickly runs over to Mario, grabs him, and throws him. When he tries to do it again, however, Mario dodges and jumps on his head causing Bowser to fall to the ground.

The trio just stands there not knowing what to do. Toad is disappointed, (Name) is shaken up, and Peach is pissed off but still wears a strained smile. She pulls (Name)'s arm along with them, bringing Toad with them. "Come on, let's just calm down and have some wonderful tea." She said angrily, dragging both (Name) and Toad with her. They look over in worry, "Princess, please calm down! Don't stress yourself out over things you can't control. It's not healthy." (Name) says gently, catching the attention of Peach. The princess blushes and forms a small smile. "Okay, sweetheart, just for you."

"-And please, call Peach!"

I had a big ass crush on her when I was little.

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