Wilbur(s) Arrival

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Just a little story idea


Soooo I know what you're thinking. You're either thinking: "Oh my gawd it's Wilbur <33!!!" or "🤮🤮🤮."

Do not fret, or do idc, I am not a part of the dsmp fandom. I was a part of it but now I've done this thing called Maturing! Sounds magical right?

ANYWAYS, I have returned with a little chapter about this idea I had like... a year ago. I didn't want to exactly write it because:

1. I despise dsmp and the people who worship it

2. I used to like Wilbur- like I had a big crush on the guy- regrettably so writing about him is a lil weird.

3. I don't know how the fuck he or any British people sound.

4. Due to only knowing how Australian, Scottish, North Welish, and French people sound, he will sound and act American. I'd rather not write anything that comes off as racist or watch any of that man's streams so yeah.


Enjoy :]


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Narrator's POV:

Monday, again.

Wilbur- or William- had just ended his stream.

Evident bags slightly held down his skin and his hair was a mess despite his trying his hardest- as hard as a tired man could- to fix it before he started streaming.

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