Tanjiro x Overweight! Female! Reader

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Narrator's POV:

With Kyogai defeated, the mansion is now peaceful- or, soon will be. Outside, Tanjiro is fighting a built man with a boar mask. Although this may be against the rules, the boar had hurt his new friend and tried to hurt his sister, and that he CANNOT allow. Tanjiro landed a final blow to the boar's head, knocking off his mask and the, what was revealed, very pretty man fell unconscious.

Tanjiro let out a tired sigh as he went to look back at his friend who was also starring, but at something else. "Zen-it-su-?" Tanjiro followed his eyes and soon those eyes widened. Not too far away, a fellow demon slayer was holding the box that contained Nezuko.

"A demon? In a. . . box?" She said as she stared at the box in confusion. "No matter." She took out her (Favorite color) sword, pointing it towards the box. "No no no NO! Wait!" Tanjiro tried to get the demon slayer's attention, but she simply ignored it. She brought her sword back to prepare for cutting the box and the demon inside. "Please! That's my sister!" She stopped just before hitting the box and stared at him in confusion.

"The box?"

"No, the demon."

Tanjiro explains to the girl why his sister is a demon and what his goal is, and in return, she gave information as well. Her name was (Name) and she became a demon slayer because she hoped that becoming a warrior would stop her brother from trying to find her a husband. Soon, Inosuke wakes up and begins to make a big scene, but travels with the group, along with (Name) anyway. A crow comes and tells them to head to a place to stay until healed and they head off.

Short time skip
(Name)'s POV:

I was walking with my new aquantances to what's known as the Wisteria House. At least- I hope they're all my aquantances. The yellow haired boy, Zenitsu, would constantly ignore or either glare at me constantly. At first I thought he was just mad that I tried to kill the jack-in-the-box, but it seems he's bothered by something else. Looking over, I see him glare at me then look down at the man carrying him.

"Tanjiro," Zenistu says. Tanjiro humms politly in response, not taking his eyes off of the dirt road. "Out of every girl you could've brought, why did you bring someone so- over board?"

I froze and slowly looked down, Tanjiro dropped him to the ground in shock, and Inosuke looked over confused. I can feel the sadness well up in my stomach and in my eyes. At some point in my life, I was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. I would constantly exercise and eat healthy to lose the extra weight around my waist, and it worked but it doesn't stop the stares and whispers of other people I walk past.

My thoughts were interrupted by yelling, "She is- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I look up towards the owner of the voice. It was Tanjiro!

"Just because she is a little overweight does not mean her beauty is any less! (Name) has a heart, a smile, and a mind that can outrun your looks for a mile! Don't you DARE judge a woman, or anyone for that matter, for their looks! Do you understand me!?" He spat at the now shaking boy. Zenistu nods quickly. Tanjiro picked him back up and placed him on his back, not before giving him a glare first. He nodded at you in which you nod back and continue the walk in silence.

Short time skip

Upon ariving at the house and getting settled into the rooms, Tanjiro knocks on the door and asks to come in. He settles down next to me, and the air quickly get's awkward. I began to play with my fingers but stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Tanjiro was looking at me with empathy in his eyes. "Just know that what he said about you, is not true, and you are beautiful no matter what you look like." I looked at him in shock. "Really?" I ask doubtfully. "Really. You are lovely no matter what you look like."

I quickly reach over and embrace him. He blushes but hugs back and draws shapes on my back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until I let go and looked at him. He seems a bit disappointed but is still cheery nonetheless. "Come on, let's go say goodnight to the others." He gently grabs my hand and walks us to their separate room.

I sit next to Inosuke as Tanjiro tries to get Zenistu away from who I assume was the demon. She's really cute! Inosuke notices my presence and turns towards me on his futon. "What was that?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "What was what?" "You seemed sad at whatever the hell Monichi said." He looked at me while sitting up. My face scrunched up in sadness. "He commented about my- size." I look down.


I looked at him in question. "'So?' What do you mean 'so'?" "So what? Everyone's different, right? Why do you care so much about it?" He was shockingly serious. I looked down again, playing with the tip of my clothing. "I-I don't know. It just makes me very- er, insecure." He leans closer, looking me in the eyes. "Who cares about whatever that means!?"

"Everything looks something like that: extra skin, less skin, big arms, no arms!" He flashes me a confident smile. "You can still use your head! Take it from me (Mispronounced Name), I'm fucking awesome!" He ends his speech with loud laughter.

I looked at him in awe. Twice today I was given encuraging advice that hit me right in the heart. I embrace him just like Tanjiro, but he doesn't take it as well. "What the-! Get the hell off me! I take it back! I TAKE IT BACK!" Giggles errupt from Tanjiro who I didn't notice was standing right besides me along with Zenitsu. He then clears his throat and speaks, "Zenitsu has something NICE to say to you (Name)." He says in a menacing tone.

I turn to Zenitsu and he looks back at me very nervously. "Uhm-" He quickly bows and yells, "I'm sorry for saying that about you!" He get's back up and looks at me. "You are very beautiful no matter what anyone says. I hope you forgive me." He continues to rant about how sorry he is, not stopping when Inosuke tells him to shutup. I smile at him and cover his mouth, quieting him. "Of course I will forgive you. You can stop calling me pretty now." He holds my hand covering his mouth looking at me with courage in his eyes. "Which is why. . ." He get's down on one knee.

"(Name), I want to be your spouse- ACK!" Tanjiro quickly hits the back of his head causing him to tumble into the wall. He looked very, VERY pissed. Before he begins to start shouting at Zenitsu, I grab his hands and look into his eyes. "Thanks for those words, Tanjiro, and thanks for having my back!" I hug him again and skip to my room.

"Woah." Tanjiro breathed out. "Tanjiro." Inosuke said, getting comfortable in his futon. Tanjiro looked over to him. "How the hell did you fall in love so easily?" Inosuke asked. Tanjiro quickly blushed bright red.

End :]

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