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" Wake up Charlotte,"

" Ugh" i groaned, rubbing my face, getting the sleepiness out of my eyes. Today is just like any other day, working in the fields, tending to the barn animal's, helping mommy and daddy at the supermarket i just don't see anything interesting will happen today. After i gotten my clear vision i turned my head to see Hanna holding my 6 month old baby sister " Diane"in her arms, standing slightly behind the door waiting for me. As we locked eyes i slightly stood up. " Whatcha want?," i asked, rubbing my eyes. Hanna eye twitched a little in response. " Daddy said you overslept....again," she added, getting tense. As i fully gained my posture i yawned again.  I clicked my tongue and slightly turned towards Hanna, looking her straight in the eyes again. 

" Well, when you've been working in the fields for over 5 hours your sleeping schedule just doesn't add up," i explained, raising my eyebrow. Hanna slightly raised an eyebrow in response as well. She probably thought i was trying to be funny but please. There is just some day's where i oversleep or i don't even want to get up at all. " So are you coming?," she asked, waiting for an answer. A minute passed until i finally answered her question. " I'll be down there in a minute," i said. She slightly sighed and shook her head. " Well then hurry up, daddy said you're going to be tending to the pigs and if you oversleep again then i'll have to do it and believe me i have plans that i can't break for you," she said, causing me to roll my eyes in response. Hanna is the type of sister who always have something to say. Believe me i love my sister and all but can i just have ONE single day without her talking like someone pushed her in the mud? Knowing i had no other option i decided to get up, shut my alarm off, and get ready for today.

 As i got up i took a bath, washed my hair, brushed my teeth and picked out my outfit  for the day. I wore on a black, sleeveless shirt with black, ripped jeans and combat boots. After getting ready for the day i grabbed my hat to keep from sunburn, shotgun for protection, and my sleeveless jacket just for decoration. Now that i'm ready i walked out of my room to be met with the smell of eggs and bacon. Just by the smell of eggs reaching my nostrils i knew i couldn't fall asleep on this. I slightly stomped downstairs, the smell getting closer to see mommy cooking while my brother " James" and my sister " Hanna" were sitting at the table. James is my little brother. He is 14 years old and smells like outside most of the time . He also has dark brown hair, hazel nut eyes, and sort of a kiddy face. His skin is overflowing with melanin and a hint of tan in him, making him a sort of a dark brown. He is hardworking and all but sometimes he could be a little...immature. The reason behind this is because he is usually seen tending to his friends instead of the fields. The last time he got caught mama and daddy was not at all happy with his actions, and for punishment he had to spend double hours in the fields to make up for how many days he bailed on taking responsibility. And even though he is a little immature at his age he is still at least the most hardworking...besides Hanna of course.

Of course we are allowed to have friends and even go out with them on a nice sunny day, but chores are chores and skipping them just to do something else means you are not able to have enough responsibility to even go out for a day. Now back to Hanna. Hanna is 16 years old, making her 1 year younger than me. Hanna has dirty blonde 3c hair and a lighter tanned skin on my father's side. She is a little hardworking i'll have to admit but the problem with her is her mouth. Every time somebody has an argument she somehow finds a way to enter the conversation. It even get's to the point where even daddy has to tell her to shut the hell up sometimes. Other than that she is very polite and she is better at milking the cows than i'll ever be. I sat down at the table and grabbed a nearby hankey and used spit shine on my shotgun. 

Hanna didn't bother paying attention and James was too busy playing with his pet frog to even think of worrying about it. Mama turned towards me and sighed. " Well it's about time you woke up," she said. " Sorry mama, i overslept again," i said. " Don't sweat it sweetie," mama said. My mom name is " Naveah". She is a dark skinned woman with long, 4c hair, and brown eyes, and natural ginger colored hair. She is very calm, hard working, and she usually likes to hide candy from us in very clever places, like that last time when i found my mom in her room eating chocolate from the egg packet. I have never seen or noticed such candy in the egg packet, mainly because she doesn't like it when we think about cooking eggs so...clever mom...very clever.  She grabbed 3 plates and put it on the table for us. As i looked down at the bacon i smelled the aroma, making my mouth slightly water. I put my shotgun down under my chair and grabbed a fork. Before i could dig in knew the rules and believe me the way mama was looking at me she knew the rules to. I knew before eating we always bless our food because blessing your food would supposedly make it taste even better. I held onto Hanna's hand and Hanna held onto mama's. I was about to hold onto James hand but being a hot head he is he spitted on his hand and held it out. Giving me one of his shit eating grins i slightly rolled my eyes and grabbed a nearby napkin and wrapped it around my hand and then held his hand.

Once we all held hands we bowed our heads and began to pray. It wasn't a long prayer but i was still listening to it like it did take forever, long words i will sooner or later will understand. " AMEN!," we all said. After we let our hands go i unwrapped the napkin from my hand and grabbed the fork and started to dig in. As we continued eating the silence was broken by Hanna, being curious as ever. " So...where's daddy?," she asked, eyes slightly raised. Mom softly gulped down the food that was supposedly in her mouth and cleared her throat. " Um...he's going to be out for a while, for he is working with the wine company at the moment," she explained. " Oh...ok," she said, slightly shaking her head. Yes our family makes wine to. In fact we are well known for it. My dad have a vineyard behind our barn. Even though we do have lots of money due to the vineyard and our supermarket we seem to be living the high least. Mom and dad is usually the type to let us have anything we want...just as long as we do as we're told. They are a little strict but not that strict. Yes, i do have a phone, everyone in my family does...well except ma and pa. 

They do want us to catch up with today's society and yet get better education, but they themselves weren't born and raised around that stuff so they prefer we learn more  about technology than themselves. " So anyways, since your father is going to be out for a while i'm gonna need you three's help," mama said. " Sure," James said. " What ya need?," i asked, eyebrows raised. " Well we ran out of milk and the shop opens in 40 minutes," she explained. "So  i'm gonna need you three to milk the cows while i go out and grab more bottles  for restalk, can you three do that for me?," mama asked. We all looked at each other for a moment until we turned towards mama in response. " Sure," i said. " Ok," Hanna shrugged. " I think i can do that for today," James said, shaking his head yes. Mama gave us a small smile in response. " Thank ya'll," mama said, standing up from the table. " Anytime mama," Hanna said, earning a small chuckle from mama. Once she was done with her food she scooted the chair from behind her and stood up. She walked towards Diane and picked her up out of her baby seat where her baby food was slightly smeared. " Alright," she said, fully having the infant secured. She turned to all three of us with a small smile on her face. " And when you three are done...wash the dishes," she said. " WAIT WHAT!??," Hanna shouted in surprise. " Mama that's not fair, we cleaned the dishes yesterday," James complained. " Well lucky you, you get to wash them again today," she said, gently ruffling his hair.

" And besides, i want NO's to early for that," mom said before completely walking out of the kitchen, leaving us with not only our dirty dish but hers as well.


" How's Betsy doing?," i asked, looking at Hanna as she did her part of the job. " She's doing great but James please get off your lazy ass," Hanna half shouted. James was sitting in the hay, listening to music like always. " I am helping, i'm getting the bucket," he said. " Boy, you are literally sitting in the hay," i called. " That's the point, i'm helping by not helping at all," he said. Me and Hanna shared the same angered expression, looking back towards him after a moment. He always does this. Everytime the job comes to the three of us he thinks it's better for us to do all the work while he sits there and take all the credit. At this moment i was getting tired of it. I let go of Betsy's rutters and stormed towards him, eyes filled with fire. " Hey, mama gave us all a job to do, and that includes YOU!," i said, pointing my finger in his face. " Now either you help us or i'll pick you up and throw you in with the horses," i said, pointing towards the horses, chewing on hay. " And believe me, it's not mud they're standing in," i said, giving him a " I mean it" glare. " Yeah, and you were supposed to get a shovel so we could grow more crops for the market 15 hours ago-," " HANNA!," i called, earning her silence. She was silent for a moment until i finally spoke. " Let me handle this," i said. " Ok," she said, slightly rolling her eyes before she went back to milking the cows.

James gave me a wide eyed expression.  Just by thinking of it he shivered at how bad the smell was. " Ok Ok, take it easy," he said.  He slightly jumped off of the hay and dust the few remains off. " I'll help, but don't even think about throwing me back in there, i really hate that smell," he said, grabbing a nearby bucket. I grinned in response. " Well then you better do your part or else i won't hesitate," i said, watching him walk towards the cows. As i watched i sighed in relief. " I still got it,".

Alright that's the first chapter. I hope you like, comment if you want, i'll write to you guys next time....

see ya :)

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