Home sweet home :3

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1:30 pm in the afternoon

" Finally," i said as i turned the sign to " Closed" and locked up the shop for tonight. " No more customers, now i can finally go and get some rest," i tiredly said as i let my hair down into a huge afro since my ponytail was sort of getting on my nerves. " I'll say," Hanna said as she yawned and slouched her shoulders from how tired she currently was. As we all walked home James didn't have a problem carrying Diane for us. As he slightly jumped her in the air she happily squealed. After he caught her in his arms he slightly paced towards me and looked at me. " I'm hungry," he said. " Good for you," i boredly said, looking forward so i can watch out for a car coming. " -So aren't we going to a restaurant or something?," he asked as he jumped in front of me. " Come on Charlotte," James said as he used Diane as a puppet as he moved her around with a squeaky voice so he could make it seem like she was talking. " My big and incredibly handsome, starving brother is dying," he said, slightly shoving Diane in my face, only to see her clueless expression as nothing but slob came from her mouth. " And what do you want me to do about it?," i asked, slightly shrugging my shoulders. Slowly putting Diane a little closer to my face he used his higher pitched voice and said " Can we got the burger joint down and eat as many hot wings as they possibly have pleeeeeaaaassseee????," he asked as he moved Diane a little closer to my face, making her happily squeal as a drop of slob continued to leave her mouth. " Why can't you just drop it? We're not going to the burger joint. At least not tonight anyway's," Hanna said, taking Diane from James hands  and started wiping the slob from her mouth.

Groaning in defeat he slouched his shoulder and whined " WHY!?!?," and hugged me so he could butter me up into making me change my mind, but that was never going to work on me. " Because it would be useless to go to a restaurant and have dinner at home immediately afterwards," I finished as i slightly pulled him off of me. " To you two maybe but to me...nope," he said as he continued to walk ahead of us.  " What are we even having anyways?," he asked, turning back towards us.   " Beats me," Hanna said. " Well, like i said...it is movie night so i'm guessing mom is making a buffet of food by the time we get home," i said. " I hope so because i am soooooo hungry," he whined as he slouched even more down the street. " James ya not dying yet," i said, feeling the wind blow in my ginger colored hair. Yes, just like my brother i am a natural ginger. But it's not fair that compared to all of our hair's here it's just me and my moms hair that hurts the most when it comes to combing our hair. Our 4c hair is just killing us, especially when you have the audacity to let your hair naturally dry after  you've just washed your hair.

But the good part is compared to all of us in the family my hair is the biggest, it defies gravity, sticking up so high to the sky that it could touch the clouds if it wanted. My sister, Hanna is a natural ginger as well...at least that's what she was supposed to be, but she doesn't really like hair in general all that much so she cut it a little bit short and dyed it dirty blonde hair and that's pretty much the end of it.  Groaning a little he fixed his posture while walking and headed back towards us and sighed. " It's a little chilly out here," he said. " Hate the cold much?," Hanna asked. " Duh," he said, furrowing his eyebrows. " I'm sick of the cold, it's uncomfortable, and it makes me think my nose is running," he said. " You've just described December," i said with a small grin on my face. " or January," Hanna finished for me. After we crossed the street we was able to reach another store that was close by. No matter how much i wish to avoid it James wasn't having it.

Just the way he senses chips, candy, or any other sugary substances just makes me both nervous and cringe at the same time. It's like the store will always be the first place he'll spot, and it scares me, mainly because i aint really have money for every single thing he wants. 

" Ya'll there's the store," he said as he pointed to the gas station. " Ok, and?," Hanna asked, trying her very best to keep Diane from pulling on her hair. " Ya'll know the drill," he said, trying to walk inside. " But i barely have any money," i said. " Please?," he asked with puppy dog eyes. " No," i said, crossing my arms from annoyance. " B-but-," B-But my ass," i sarcastically interrupted. " No means no, get that through your head," i said as i gently put my finger in the middle of his forehead. Giving me an angered expression he softly huffed and lowered his eyelids. " You both are boring," he said. " Good, i like boring," i said, grabbing his arm and tried my very best to pull him away from the store. " Noooooooo," he whined, trying to enter the store. " No goddammit," i said, trying to pull him back, but ended up struggling. For someone who barely does anything unless mom and dad tells him to, he is really strong.

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