Chapter Eleven

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*Zayns POV*

It was Josh's first day at daycare tomorrow and he was very nervous, he had been crying all afternoon at the thought of not being with his daddies during the day. Currently he was sitting on my lap watching cartoons, while the other boys were doing other jobs preparing to go back to the studio tomorrow. Suddenly Josh burst our crying and screaming...

"Hey hey hey, baby I thought we said no more tears?" I asked him whilst rubbing his back and wiping the tears from his cheek and eyes.

"B..but I'll...mmuss you..." he whispered whilst continuing to cry.

"Think of all the friends you'll make, and the fun you'll have! Plus when you come home you can tell us all about it! I'm jealous I don't get to come with you!" I exclaimed attempting to make it sound exciting. His tears and wails slowly turned into sniffles and soon I looked down at he was asleep. His blonde hair flopped over his eyes and he breathed heavily. I sighed in relief and slowly took him upstairs and put him in his cot, covering him in his duvet and kissing his forehead whilst whispering a quiet, "Night baby."

I walked out the room and carefully closed the door and walked into the kitchen, where I found all the other boys talking.

"He's asleep, should sleep till morning but tomorrows gonna be hell guys," I said as I made myself a cup of tea and took a seat at the island, in the middle of the big kitchen.

"I know, we have to push through though, I'm really excited to be back in the studio, we've had ages off!" Niall remarked, patting my shoulder reassuringly.

"It will be fine, at the end of the day he has to go to daycare and thats final..." Harry exclaimed as he too got off his chair and walked out the room. I simply rested by head on the granite work surface and hopped it would all be okay.

"Wake up Joshie, time to get ready," I heard from next door as Harry woke up Josh and got him dressed, before handing him to Louis who was in charge in getting him breakfast. Otherthan him being slightly quieter, there was no sign of tears yet and we were ready to leave in 10 minutes, but that was until I felt a hand grab my trouser leg, and put his arms up indicating he wanted picked up.

"Whats up babe?" I asked whilst slipping on my beanie and balancing Josh on my hip.

"W-were..or we goifng?" Josh asked. Oh no. I looked around at the other boys for help.

"Joshie baby, your going to daycare sweetie," Liam carefully told him whilst putting his shoes on.

"Wiffout ... u?" He asked looking down at the floor.

"Yes babe, we have work to do." I told him as he buckled him into his car seat. He just mumbled okay and looked out the window and out the corner of my eye I saw the other boys give a thumb ups.

Soon we arrived at daycare and we all got out the care to say goodbye to Josh. Liam signed him in and then took him out of my arms and placed him on the floor.

"Alright Joshie, hope you have a good day babe, be good," Liam started and kissed him on the temple, but Liam had merely taken one step away when Josh burst out crying and ran to Liam.

"Say goodbye to your other daddies babe," Liam told him as he walked to the car, tears forming in his eyes from leaving Josh for the first time.

"Bye babe, have a good day..." Niall, Louis and Harry all said something along the same lines and walked out too, leaving my with a sobbing Josh.

"Right baby, you need to calm down and be a big boy. If you can behave and be good for the whole day and show all of us that your a grown up boy, then maybe this weekend we can go and get you a big boy bed, yeh?" I bribed; he had been talking about getting him out of his cot for awhile and I knew josh really wanted a big boy bed, so this should make him stop crying. He slowly nodded and wiped away his tears.

"Theres my good Josh, okay behave and I'll see you soon, love you sweetie." I told him as I walked out with tears in my eyes, and hearing Josh shout 'I love you too'. I hope this day goes fast...

I am so sorry for the slow update but I'm really busy at the moment! I hope you like this chapter and I hope it makes sense, I'm really sorry if I contradict myself through-out the different chapters.

Thank you so much for all your reads and comments, I read them all even if I dont respond to them so thank you so much!

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Sorry and thank you for everything;




And sorry its short:/


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2013 ⏰

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