Chapter Seven

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Since I've already finished the next chapter, 30 comments if you want the next chapter today too!! Read the authors note at the end!

*Nialls POV*

I was on my way to watch the U15's football with Joshie and Liam. Liam was a little bit annoyed at me because of the language that can used at football games but I just blew him off and was happy that I have found something that Josh properly likes!

"You excited buddie?" I asked Josh as I turned around to look at him from where I was riding shotgun.

"Yeah buddie!" Josh screamed, impersonating me. I stifled a laugh as I saw Liam scowling at me from the drivers seat.

We finally arrived at the London park, and it was a sunny day outside but it was also very cold. I got out the car, put my coat on and walked round to the other side of the car to get Josh out. I carefully unstrapped Joshie from his car seat and he was grinning from ear to ear, he was so excited! Liam was in the front seat tying his laces before going to grab Josh's coat from the boot.

"Hey buddie, can you put your coat on?" Liam asked Josh.

"No." He replied shortly, shaking his head. This could be good. I wasn't in the mood for a tantrum, and by the look on Liams face neither was he.

*Josh's P.O.V*

"No." I told daddy Liam. I didn't want to put my coat on. Daddy Liam wasn't wearing a coat. I heard daddy Liam sigh as he bent down so his eyes were in line with my eyes but there was sumthing strange. Daddy LiLi's eyes were really dark and they scared me.

"Joshua you need to put your coat on, its very cold and if you do not put your coat on then you will not watch the football. Are you going to put your coat on?" Daddy Li said.

"But dada I'm hot, I dun't want zo wear a"

"Don't lie to me Josh, you have goosebumps and you get them when you are cold. Do you want to get sick?"

"No daddy but I dun't want to were my"

Daddy LiLi took a deep breath and then turned to Daddy Ni and whispered something in his ear and then he walked away. He was leaving me because I was naughty. Daddy LiLi was never coming back. I started screaming and crying because I wanted Daddy LiLi back.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Liam told me that he couldn't deal with Josh right now without flipping out, and that he was going to take a walk. I didn't know what was up with him but clearly something was. Harry had told me that he was up really early today, he got annoyed at me for no reason and was about to loose his temper over Josh and his coat...I'll be sure to talk to him later.

As soon as Liam started walking away, Josh started screaming and crying hysterically so I quickly picked him up off the ground and then I went and sat in the drivers seat, with Josh in my lap.

"Whats wrong Josh? Why are you crying?" I questioned as he sobbed into my T-Shirt. I drew shapes with my fingers on his back, in an attempt to calm him down.

After sitting like this for five minutes, Josh's breathing returned to a normal pace and I looked down to see his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted as he was fast asleep. Perfect!

Fifteen minutes later I stood at the side of the football game, with a sleeping Josh in my arms with his coat on. It was quite a struggle putting a coat on a sleeping boy but I did it. It was about to start so I decided to wake up Josh.

"Honey, do you want to wake up to watch the football? Its about to start," I whispered into his ear whilst shaking him slightly. Soon his little blue eyes opened and he blinked a couple of times to re-adjust to the sun light. He looked around from my hip and saw the football about to start and he grinned. Then he looked at me and placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek and smiling again. But then his eyes started looking around for something else, and then his eyes started to fill with tears.

"Were iss daddy Li?" he asked quietly, "Is he gon for..ev...forev...forever?" Josh stumbled.

"No no no babe, Daddy LiLi just wet for a walk, he'll be back to watch some football with us, okay?" Josh nodded so I continued, "but you are going to have to apologise, okay?"

"Otay, surry too Daddy NiNi, I wuv you," Josh said as he placed another kiss on my cheek.

"And I love you too..." I said, kissing his forehead gently.

The football game was amazing, Josh loved it and even said it was the best day of his life! Liam came back at half time and Josh apologised and they made up. We had an amazing day watching the football and going for ice cream after, even though Joshies ice cream landed all on his T-Shirt!

Authors note :)

I did get 20 comments on thursday but I hadn't even finished the other chapter so technically I'm sorry for the wait but this was quite a fast update. Sorry if it waffles abit too, but I have already written the next chapter so 30 COMMENTS TODAY IF YOU WANT IT TODAY!!




I love you!

Daddy Harry, Daddy Niall, Daddy Louis, Daddy Liam and Daddy Zayn!Where stories live. Discover now