Chapter Nine

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*Liam's P.O.V*

It had been a week and Zayn was still in hospital. I felt like it was all my fault. You see the night before I went to the football with Niall and Josh, Zayn told me he had restarted smoking even though he was told it could affect his health. Zayn made me promise not to tell anyone and I didn't; even though I spent the whole of the day at the football thinking if I should tell Niall. I can't believe I didn't talk Zayn out of quitting again or something but I never knew that the implications (effects) would be this bad.

It was a week after and Josh was really struggling with not seeing Zayn so today me and the boys promised that we would take Josh to see him, after explaining to Josh that he couldn't talk or anything. So after breakfast me and all the boys hopped into the car once I put Josh in his car seat. It wasn't just me who was really down about Zayn, me and the boys had cried every day and we were really struggling. It was especially hard on Josh because all of his dads were really down lately but the doctors told us that Zayn would be okay and that he should wake up soon.

"You ready to go see Zayn Josh?" Harry asked.

"Yep, I missed him so much!" Josh replied, bouncing up and down in his car seat with excitement.

"Okay, but you no whats going to happen, right Josh?" Niall asked carefully, making sure not to get his hopes too high about seeing Zayn again. Josh just nodded sadly before looking at his teddy bear in his hands.

"But you never know boys, today could be the day," I spoke softly, focusing mainly on driving.

"Yeah I hope so," Louis said, "hey Joshie why did you bring your teddy? You never brought it before?"

"So I can give it to Daddy ZeeZee to make him better!"

"But its your favourite teddy, how are you going to sleep with out it?"

"I will sleep beffer its wiv daddy zee," Josh replied happily, smiling down at his build a bear teddy. Me and the boys looked around at each other, shocked to hear such mature words coming from one so young.

" dat otay?" Josh said after a minute of us not replying.

"Yes I think thats a great idea," I said.

"Me too!"

"He'll love it"


An hour later Josh has on my hip, teddy bear snuggled into his arm as we were about to go into the hospital.

"You ready Josh?" I whispered quietly to him. Harry, Louis and Niall had decided to get some food, and let me and Josh do this together.

"Yehhh," Josh mumbled quietly, muzzling closer to my body.

Just as I was about to step into the room, an alarm went off which made me jump and the next thing I know is that lots of doctors and nurses are running into Zayns room.

"Oh god, no, please no," I whispered as I took Josh and carefully placed him on the waiting chair outside Zayns private room. I was crying by now, I honestly thought that that was the end of Zayns life as I picked Josh up and placed him on my lap, whilst snuggling up to him for comfort. I called the rest of the boys and they were all sitting next to me in what felt like seconds. Soon, all the noise and commotion in Zayns room stopped, and me and the boys looked at each other in disbelief, all crying and sniffling. But what happened next, was what shocked us the most.

"Hello." the voice inside the room said, but that wasn't just anyones voice. It was Zayns voice.

"Hes awake," Harry stumbled.

"I fought I herd daddy zeezee," Josh mumbled, attempting to climb off my lap to look around.

"So did I Josh, but lets jut wait and see," I told him whilst carefully pulling him back onto my lap.

About ten minutes later a nurse came out, and told us that Zayn was awake and healthy (well as healthy as you can be after being in a coma for seven days). Now me and the boys were crying happy tears as we made our way into Zayns room.

"Hi Zayn," Louis spoke softly as he entered the room but to our surprise Zayn was sitting up in his bed looking around with open eyes.

"Hey guys," Zayn replied happily.

"Really scared us there lad," Niall told him whilst placing an arm on his back.

"DADDY ZIZI YOUR TWAKE!" Josh screamed.

"Yes, yes I am. How've you been buddy?" Zayn asked whilst (with the help of me) putting Josh on his bed.

"Sad, upset, lonely..." Josh continued to list negative adjectives, ones which we'd never heard him say before.

"Well thats all gonna change now because I'm coming home!" Zayn said, looking around the room to meet all the boys eyes.


"Yeh, the doctors said I could be released later today.

"Yay, does that mean daddy hazza, daddy lou, daddy nini and daddy leelee will stop crying?" Me and the boys looked away defensively.

"Yes it does!" Zayn replied, bouncing Josh on his bed making him giggle.

"I've missed you Daddy ZiZi,"

"And I've missed you to Josh."

Sorry its so short but I wanted to update! Hope uou liked the chapter!

Who guessed thts why Liam was so off and acting weirdly?

Haha no one!

Anyway, thanks for commenting on all the chapters, you must comment on this chapter if you want more!

I'll only update when theres a suitable number of comments.







Thanks for reading!

Daddy Harry, Daddy Niall, Daddy Louis, Daddy Liam and Daddy Zayn!Where stories live. Discover now