Chapter Eight

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Dont hate me once you've read this chapter, okay? And this is possibly the worst chapter anyone has ever written in their life so I'm sorry. But here it is anyway...

*Harrys P.O.V*

"Daddy Hazza," Josh whined repeatedly whilst sitting at the table eating his cereal, but I was on the phone to management, trying to some out some stuff.

"Joshie can you go find daddy ZiZi and ask him to help you finish your breakfast and get ready please?" I asked him sweetly, whilst unstrapping him from his booster seat at the table. He ran around the house screaming Daddy ZiZi, until everything went silent. It was only me, Zayn and Josh in the house at the moment, but it was becoming too silent and eary.

"Josh! Josh! Zayn! Zayn!" I shouted but was greeted by silence. I carefully placed my phone on the counter and begun walking upstairs, to where Zayn was sleeping earlier.

"Joshua, are you okay? Zayn! Joshua reply to me!" I screamed but I got no response. I was beyond terrified but then something broke the silence. It was an ear piercing scream, coming from Josh's lungs, and it came from Zayns room. I sprinted in their as fast as I could and I was greeted with an awful sight. Zayn was lying on the bed and from what I could see Zayn wasn't moving or breathing. I quickly sprinted over to the bed side table, picked up Zayns phone and called an ambulance before sending Josh out the room.

"No." Josh replied.

"Joshua if you do not get out of this room right now you will be in serious punishment. Go to your room, now." I screamed, my voice breaking due to the tears. I hadn't worked out what was wrong with Zayn, I found a very weak pulse but that was it. I didn't want Josh to be in here watching one of his dads seriously injured so thats why I sent him out.

"Zayn. Zayn if you can hear me please talk. Do anything, nod, whisper please zayn what happened?" No response. I kept on feeling his pulse and it got slower and slower. I was sobbing and screaming but all the boys were out. I didn't know what was wrong with Zayn but it was seriously bad.

*Louis P.O.V*

Me, Niall and Liam were out doing some shopping and getting a few bits and bobs when I got a phone call saying Zayn was in intensive care. Me and the boys sprinted to the car, and I sped my way to the hospital.

We walked into the white hospital room, to see Harry at the bedside of a very ill looking Zayn. Zayns body was lifeless and he looked so pale, futhermore he was connected up to so many machines.

"Harry," I said, walking up slowly and placing my hand on his back, "He's gonna be okay." I wasnt sure about this, we had just arrived and I hadnt talked to anyone about it.

"They said he had a cardiac arrest, his body shut down and they dont know why. They think it could be linked to his smoking but I havent seen his smoke in ages. They say that he should come out of his coma soon but there not sure when. I was lucky to get there when I did, actually I should thank Josh for that, otherwise he could of died." Harry told us slowly, his hand grasping Zayns and his eyes never leaving Zayns closed ones.

"Thats good Harry, he's going to be okay. The doctors will give us more in time. Wheres Josh though?" Liam asked slowly going round to the otherside of Zayns bed. We were in our own room, just us 5 and we were all sobbing.

"He's in the...the playground. I didnt want him to see his daddy ZiZi like this," Harry explained, pointing his hand to Zayns body.

"Okay, well why don't I go and explain everything to him, whilst you guys try and talk to a doctor?" I asked but all they did was nod. I was trying to stay strong for Josh and Zayn but at the end of the day, anything could happen...

I went and found Josh in the playground and took his hand and bought him to the cafe where I placed him on my lap. I could tell he had been crying, and his eyes were bloodshot. I studied his face, his perfect blond hair and his perfect lips, gosh our son was perfect. I wiped away the rest of his tears, and moved his hair out of his eyes. I was trying to avoid talking, but I knew that Josh needed to know what happened to Daddy ZiZi.

"Is daddy ZiZi dead? Will I see him again?" Josh asked, his voice cracking with every word from the tears flooding from his eyes.

"No baby, daddy Zayns not dead, he's just hurt hun." I replied whilst stroking his hair.

"Huwt? How?" Josh inquired.

"Well his brain went to sleep, so the doctors had to help wake it up, but he's okay now." I explained the best I could to a 2 year old.

"So he is otay? Can I see him?"

"Not really Joshie, he's asleep right now and he needs to stay at the hospital for a few nights..." I followed Harrys advice, I didnt want Josh to have to see an unresponsive Zayn.

"But I want to see my daddy!" Josh wailed, screaming and sobbing.

"I know you do bud, i know you do," I said, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Sorry its awful but I wanted to add some DRAMA! Comments and opinions please? I got 90 comments on my last chapter and I was so happy! I literally danced so if you can all comment again then please do because it makes me upload quicker!






PS: check out the new cover made by ehkooner! Thank you<3

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Daddy Harry, Daddy Niall, Daddy Louis, Daddy Liam and Daddy Zayn!Where stories live. Discover now