Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

*A/N* Hope you liked chapter one, with further ado, here’s chapter two! (that rhymed;)) *A/N*

*Harry’s POV*

I made my way over to Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall with little Josh on my hip. He wrapped his arms around my neck tightly, almost as if he was scared.

“Are you nervous baby?” I asked as I moved him around so both his legs were around my waist and his face was looking at mine. He nodded slightly, seeming embarrassed, before he said, “I’ve never been carried before…” in a tiny voice.

“It’s okay buddie, you should get used to it if you’re going to come and live with me and my bandmates,” I replied, hinting that I would really like to adopt him. His little blue eyes lightened up as if he had just been told the best news in the world, and a massive grin appeared on his tiny lips. Just then, he jumped out of my arms and ran over to where Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall were.

*Louis’ P.O.V*

I watched as a little boy ran over to us, and my gosh he was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. His little arms waved around everyone as he sprinted as fast as his tiny legs could take him. When he (finally) arrived in front of us, I crouched down to his level, eager to know more about the little boy and what bought him over to us.

“Hello buddie, what’s your name?” I asked him as he looked directly into my eyes.

“My name is Josh,” the little boy, now known as Josh, replied with a little giggle at the end. Just then, I noticed Harry coming over to us. As he approached us, I stood up and carefully picked up Josh, before turning to face Harry.

“Hey Harry, have you met…” as I was about to finish my sentence as little Josh interrupted my sentence.

“HAZZY!” Josh shouted as he struggled against my grip and jumped out of my arms and into Harry’s. I laughed half heartily before re-starting my sentence…

“I guess you’ve met Josh then,”

“Yeah, me and baby boy over here have spent the last twenty minutes talking, haven’t we Josh?” I looked at the time after Harry said that and realised that we had in fact been at the orphanage for over half an hour! Wow, time flies when you’re having fun!

“Yeah, hazzy is my new friend…” Josh giggled before starting to snuggle into Harry’s neck. I mentally awed at the cute sight at it played out in front of me. Just then, watching Josh snuggle into Harry whilst Harry rubbed his back in a soothing fashion, I decided that he was our little boy. Josh was the boy that I wanted to be the new member of the 1D family.

*Harry’s P.O.V*

I felt Josh snuggle into my neck and turned round to see his eyes slowly closing as his mini eye lids got heavier and heavier.

“Are you tied baby?” I whispered in his ear and I only got a response of a small nod as I felt his blonde hair tickling my neck.

“When you wake up, do you want to be in my house with me and my band mates? Do you want to come live with us?” I asked him again, this time quiet enough for just Josh to hear. I felt another nod from his tiny body, and then I felt a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I looked down to see a sleepy smile coming from Josh, as he watched my reaction from his kind gesture. I smiled back at the almost asleep boy, kissed him on the top of the forehead and whispered a “Go to sleep Josh, we’ll protect you” into the boys ears, before looking down and seeing a peaceful and calm baby boy, who in my eyes was perfect, asleep. I couldn’t wait to adopt Josh, and to bring him into his new life.

*A/N*  Hope you liked chapter two, I’m really sorry it’s so short but I was ill yesterday so couldn’t write! I hope you liked this chapter even though I know its not my best. Next update should be at the weekend…BUT…that’s only if you comment and vote! So if you would like chapter three by the weekend, I suggest that you comment and vote;) 5 COMMENTS AND 5 VOTES FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!

VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE; they make me so happy to read! And thank you guys for readingJ *A/N*

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