Meet the coding club

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Aleanna and Liza looked at Ryan. "You want to help out?" Asked Aleanna. Ryan nodded coming to the duo. "While I can't fix what I've done on the social media side, like you two I'm wanting to repent for my Shadowsteel sins" he said. "I even took matters in my own hands and got to know someone who like me has taken a hiatus from YouTube, but we ended up partnering up" he explained to them. "Adriana?" He said. A brunette female joined him waving shyly. "Music team" added Liza seeing the orange wristbands.

"Yeah, I actually do gaming too, but the main passion I'm known for is music, though he's right.... My channel Adrisaurus has become a bit of a ghost town" added Adriana. Liza pitied Adriana but then Aleanna reigned everyone in to focus. "Yeah I got a solution to break in the computer, in fact I run a club for this reason" added Ryan. He and Adriana led the duo to the computer room finding themselves face to face with three students and two familiar youtubers and one unfamiliar. "What's this?" Asked Liza. "Welcome to the coding club, Adriana and I teach this group how to handle computers" added Ryan. Aleanna was stunned while the three students and three youtubers looked over. "Our idea" stated Blackgryph0n gesturing to himself and Susie of the game grumps.

"Allow me to introduce Kendra Erso, cousin of Digimax member Aaron Erso, Garo Cantrell, and Erwin Shwimmer". " They're first years starting here at the academy and all joined the coding club ". " I'm sure though you are familiar with Blackgryph0n and Mortim3r courtesy of them being mixed in with the invasion incident " added Ryan. "I remember, I see you both are much better" added Aleanna. The duo nodded in relief. "Except who's blondie Nick Cage?" Asked Liza gesturing to Garo's partner. "Heh this is Max, his YouTube channel is a gaming channel duo under the names Yovideogames and Maximilian Dood" responded Garo proudly. Max facepalmed groaning hearing the Nick Cage joke.

"It's nice to meet you all" added Aleanna politely. "Uh p-pleasure" added Kendra shyly. Erwin bowed politely. "Nice to meet you" he said. "What's going on?" Asked a confused Susie. Ryan explained everything to them making Blackgryph0n and Susie shudder. "I'm guessing you two know the feeling of being in a computer" added Max. "As hostages" responded Blackgryph0n and Susie. Max and Adriana gulped hearing that.

"Well... Bad news is all the teachers are missing, gar, Alex and Lauren, Rosanna, Nikita, all the main teachers" added Garo going back and checking on his phone. "Students and staff are filing missing person reports". " coding club, let's break in for information " added Ryan. Aleanna and Liza joined them to watch since they wouldn't know where to start on coding. The three students went to work with their partners helping them. "Why do I feel patrck would be jealous he's missing this?" Asked Liza to Aleanna talking about Patrck aka Negastatic. Aleanna giggled nodding in agreement. "Here!" Exclaimed Erwin.

The group looked at the computer Erwin sat at. "Gabe look" he said. Blackgryph0n looked over at it. "Your name's Gabe?" Asked Susie. "Well Gabriel, but Gabe is shorter" responded Gabriel. "Yep, there's the problem" added Ryan seeing a strange email. "Binary" stated Kendra noticing the line up. The students looked at Ryan.

"Well, guess I'm lucky to have virus cry" responded Ryan. He back traced it before nodding. "Students, friends, there may be one way.... That binary is a portal" he said. Aleanna gasped realizing that explains why she saw Nikita and Safiya sucked in. "That means.... They're in cyberspace" added Susie. "Anyone up for extra curricular study?" Asked Garo. Everyone looked at him stunned. Aleanna and Liza looked at each other.

Ryan chuckled and faced Aleanna and Liza. "Perhaps you can help teach them the Digimax fighting style" he said. Aleanna freaked out hearing him. "WAIT ME?!" she exclaimed. The group looked at Aleanna. "Ho boy it's cause you guys are the most experienced" added Susie. Ryan nodded indicating Susie was right. Aleanna was shaking and nearly collapsed before Liza caught her. "Aleanna wake up".

(A/n: Pressure rises. Aleanna under stress. But everyone will enter the digital world. Hang tight. Hope you all enjoy).

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