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Chad: so how do you know if you're gay

Chad: is it something you realize or are you like... born with it

Liv: why are you gay

Chad: no

Amber: being gay isn't a disease

Amber: im gay and I'm okay

Wes: okay psycho

Amber: I'll finish the job watch your mouth loser

Mindy: we're in my era now

Tara: yeah.. how do you know if you're gay? Do you just look at someone and feel all kinds of butterflies when they smile at you? Is it odd if the person you're looking at is a bit psycho but she's just so pretty with her big brown eyes who looks like she'd protect you from every serial killer in the world

Wes: that's because the bitch is one!

Amber: ;)

Mindy: ok let me explain this to everyone except Amber bc she's gay

Amber: my sexuality is a spectrum but yes I am gay

Mindy: Wes you will NEVER be able to get with Tara so give it up

Amber: period

Mindy: amber you're a literal psycho who shouldn't stab people for looking at Tara because you're in love with her

Amber: im getting my costume out

Mindy: Chad. When I found out I was into girls it was a spur of the moment kinda thing.. I woke up one day, glanced at my attire and realized what I am.. especially with my flannel, converse, and ripped jeans.. I knew I was long gone

Chad: but you could wear that and still be straight

Amber: shut the fuck up! Men are fucking trash

Liv: okay calm down ghostface

Tara: she's grunting rn lol

Mindy: grunting? So you're with her ;)

Tara: im straight

Mindy: I never said anything

Tara: oh

Tara: hi wes

Wes: hi Tara 😍

Amber: Tara when are you going to tell this fool you're in love with me

Amber: I'll make sure he won't bother you anymore

Wes: I'll tell my mother

Amber: ah yes... officer JU-DY

Wes: why you give me the shivers

Tara: she does that to me too every night

Amber: im a sex god

Liv: so full of yourself I hate lesbians


Amber: omg... you're homophobic..

Liv: fuck you amber.. I'm not homophobic

Amber: I know 😳🔫🩸

Amber: boom! Bitch is down

Tara: that's my bff 😍

Amber: I can be your gf too 🥸

Tara: 😳

Wes: im never going to have a chance

Amber: that's right MWAHAHAHA Tara come here

Chad: all I did was ask about being gay.. I didn't expect to have this awkward fight, involving two girls hooking up.

Chad: I guess I gotta watch it to make sure they'll be okay 🙄

Liv: wtf?!

Mindy: you're literally disgusting 

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