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Mindy: ok so let's say I get arrested what would be the reason

Tara: bc you're gay and that's a sin

Liv: doesn't amber eat u out every night??

Tara: next

Amber: it's bc you helped me in the murder of Wes

Wes: why me I just came out

Wes: gay people don't die in horror movies

Sam: um haven't you watched scary movie??

Amber: don't u know you're breaking the FOURTH WALL BITCH

Sam: fuck off amber you're the fridge anyway

Sam: grudge

Chad: Sam are you drunk

Sam: no why?

Chad: you're illiterate

Sam: and your girlfriend hates you BUT THAts none of my business


Tara: me and amber are just friends

Amber: no one asked bitch

Mindy: so we're between being gay and murder ok I'm going to die in prison

Wes: why are you even asking about that? Are you going to prison

Mindy: yes I am in gta rp I need to think of a plan

Amber: well murder sounds like it's number one

Wes: that's bc you're a psycho

Amber: no it's because she's playing a game that involves murder?!?! Dumb bitch

Liv: im horny

Chad: hi

Amber: im sick to my stomach

Tara: amber. Stop

Amber: no you're playing with yourself tonight bc u don't wanna accept the fact that you're gay


Sam: lol

Wes: hello

Tara: im gay!!

Chad: I need alcohol

Amber: you need to get some pussy

Chad: I am.. @ Liv

Liv: not tonight I'm too tired gn everyone gn amber ;)


Amber goodnight ...?

Tara: you're in hot water for a week

Amber: all bc I'm sexy smh

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