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Sam: can i add my boyfriend in here

Wes: sure!

Amber: no 

Tara: amber! go ahead sam

Sam added Richie

Sam: hi baby

Richie: uh hello

Tara: hi bf idk! I'm Sam's sister, Tara

Richie: hi im richie!

Amber: another loser im amber

Richie: uh hi amber

Mindy: hi im gay

Liv: hi im homophobic

Chad: wbk
Chad: whats up im chad

Richie: hi guys! nice to meet everyone except amber

Amber: im going to slit ur throat

Richie: hmm i like it

Sam: wtf

Tara: thats my girlfriend ur speaking to

Wes: straight?

Tara: yes

Amber: i hate all of you

Liv: i hate gay people

Mindy: during pride month? damn!

Wes: fhdifhdsfhf;hao

Amber: techinical difficulties with wessy boy

Richie: i love gay people

Amber: literally no one cares

Sam: amber freeman!

Tara: shush!

Amber: i need to leave i hate you losers
Amber: except u tara i love u

Wes: what about me?

Amber: choke


so... it's been a while ay? i know i've been mia for a few weeks now but i promise im trying the best i can to update! i've been obsessed with stranger things recently and i've had an urge to write some fics about those characters. two females in mind ;) 

stick around with me if you're willing to wait on tamber fics! i do have like three in progress right now, as well as the "friends" story. they'll be out soon. i promise. expect some stranger things fics here soon. especially on AO3 :) 

thank u

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