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Wes: I have something to say

Amber: no one cares

Sam: amber!!

Amber: what it's the truth

Amber: every time he speaks I just wanna kms

Tara: you're so rude... I love it

Amber: and I love you

Chad: Aw I love lesbians

Mindy: u literally puked at Frances and I???

Chad: and

Liv: Wes what do you have to say

Wes: I think I'm gay

Amber: omg...

Amber: why do you keep hitting on Tara then

Wes: well

Tara: omg Wes!! Congrats!! I've always wanted a gay best friend

Amber: im literally right here

Tara: you're my special friend 😉

Sam: gross

Sam: congrats Wes!! We support you! We don't support amber bc she's a fucking psycho

Amber: 🙄

Liv: Wes im so happy for you.. you can help me shop for dresses now

Wes: yeah im straight now

Amber: LMFAO

Amber: get burned Liv you dumb fucking BITCH

Tara: babe... are you okay

Amber: im going through one of my phases give me a sec

Chad: Liv I love you but no one wants to shop with you

Amber: I don't mind it bc there's so many hot girls there

Tara: ?

Amber: I meant there's so many girls there that don't compare to Tara

Tara: that's what I thought

Tara: that's amazing Wes I'm so proud of you

Wes: thanks Tara ☺️☺️

Amber: im not jealous

Mindy: oh I beg to differ

Amber: and I see a stabbing in your future

Liv: ur literally so violent

Sam: yeah what's the reason

Amber: you

Sam: bitch I stg

Tara: SAM?!


Sam: she's disrespected me waaaay too long

Tara: give it up

Tara: Amber's being protective

Sam: ur blind ?

Tara: your eyebrows are crooked



Sam: your... face is weird!

Sam: you're the reason why dad left

Mindy: omg...

Amber: girl

Amber: Tara baby do u want me to kill her

Tara: yes

Amber: YAAAASSS 🔪 🩸

Wes: fucking psycho.

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