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Amber: can we pls talk about how the new Stab is a disgrace to horror movies?!?!

Amber: what's the fucking point on releasing a horror movie on a franchise when it has nothing to do with the original? The original is always the best

Mindy: you're right!! Originals are truly the best. The legacy characters we get to meet. The new characters we get to see get beheaded

Amber: I need to save this franchise

Wes: wtf are you going to do? Record yourself STABBING PEOPLE?!

Amber: maybe!

Amber: open your door Wes

Wes: what? No!

Amber: why not

Mindy: I'll open mine come over ;)

Tara: back up

Amber: ok

Tara: amber?!

Amber: what?! I need to make my movie

Tara: we can make a movie of our own with no clothes on come back here

Amber: oh...

Amber: Stab can wait sorry Mindy maybe tomorrow night

Mindy: fucking lesbians!!

Tara: im straight

Liv: give it up bitch you're so far up Amber's pussy you can barely see the edges of her psychotic brain

Tara: ok

Amber: are you saying my brain is so big it's holding my psychotic plans to shoot you in the fucking head if you say one more goddamn thing about me being a fucking psycho? Huh, Liv?!

Liv: that just proves my point

Wes: how about you just be with me Tara? I can afford to pay rent in our cute apartment with our huskies running around

Tara: im gay

Wes: I thought you were straight

Tara: yes but I'm gay

Wes: what

Amber: back up with your ugly ass roots

Wes: I just got my hair redone... fix your dead ends

Amber: my dead ends are fine. You're the only dead end I gotta cut off

Amber: eek eek eek 🔪 🩸

Chad: time to die!!

Amber: ur not safe either

Chad: time to live!!

Chad: I just gotta outrun Liv right

Amber: yeah

Chad: cool

Liv: wtf?!

Mindy: I see...

Tara: amber come the fuck here now

Amber: yes ma'am but don't tell me what to do

Tara: whatever I need you

Amber: bye losers

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